Medical Services and First Aid

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Subpart D Occupational Health and Environmental Controls
Medical Services and First Aid (OSHA 1926.50)
- Alpha Three Partners shall secure the expert advice of medical professionals in all
matters pertaining to Occupational Health and Safety.
- Alpha Three Partners requires that multiple employees, including supervisory employees,
receive First Aid or First Responder certification. Furthermore, said employees must
maintain current certifications.
- Complete emergency contact information shall be posted in multiple areas and in plain
sight of all employees
- Contact information shall include names, phone numbers and driving directions of the
nearest hospital.
- In some areas, 911 will be a sufficient phone number; however, the policy of Alpha Three
Partners requires job sites to always have the complete contact information of the nearest
health care provider or hospital and post the information conspicuously.
- Emergency transportation in medical crises will be provided by Alpha Three when there
is no alternative or the need is too great to wait for an ambulance.
- Eyewash facilities will be readily available to employees within the work area at
appropriate locations.
- First aid supplies shall be kept up to date in locations on every job site. Supplies will be
stored according to all manufacturer specifications to avoid damage to any
- First aid kits will be monitored weekly for replenishment of used, damaged or depleted
materials by the safety manager of each jobsite.
- Jobsite safety managers will refer to ANSI Z308.1-1978 to determine the minimum
requirements for first aid supplies.
- The safety managers for Alpha Three Partners shall consult with their medical advisors to

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