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January 24, 2017
Don’t have to study the name and dates of research
Human development
Womb to Tomb psychology-conception to death
1960s- conception to age 21
1940s- birth to age 21
1900s- age 7 to 21 (7 is the magic age because there are many changes at age of 7), people back
then would not name their children until age 7
History of human development
1600- children are miniature adults (dress children as the same as adults)
1620’s- New Amsterdam-any parents could put their child to death if their child disobeys them
1690- John Locke: tabula rasa. Nurturist- when we are born our mind is born to be empty
heads, people remember base on the environment they expose to
1760- Jean Jacques Rousseau: noble savage. Naturist- infants is born on noble savage knowing
what’s right and wrong such that if they abounded in woods and raised by animas they would
still develop fairly and normally
Nature-Nurture Controversy-need for research
Interactionist- is not all biology or environment, but combination of the two
Nurturist- environment important, Naturist-biology important*
Classical Research methods
Baby Biography-Tiedemann- parents observe their own first baby for 24/7 for next 21 years
(have issues of bias, time, most people didn’t know how to write back then)
Questionnaire- Hall and Chaille (have same issues of baby biography and some people might not
be telling the truth)
Faking scale (M.M.P.I) yay sayers/nay sayers ease of analyzability -God to earth
answering question, if they are answering the questions honestly
Case history- Freud- used when we want to know what lead up to someone who
has an unusual history ex. Somebody who is going to medical school at 12 or
when you have a physical complain
DES-diethylstilbestrol (prevent miscarriages) -cervical cancer,
thyroid, testicular cancer Zika (environmental birthing agent)
central and south America- teratogenic (monster causing agent)
Modern Research Methods
Descriptive Methods
Correlational Methods
Experimental Methods-most likely to give you answer to questions
Goals of Research
Describe- behavior
Predict- whats normal
Control environment to make develop as normal as possible
Example- Phenylketonuria(PKU)-if you born without this enzyme, and we fed you with dairy, you will
have server illness
Descriptive Methods- only allow us to describe
o Questionnaire
o Case History
o Observation
o Naturalistic Observation
o Structured Observation
One way mirror-adults tend to react differently, on the other hand kids
tend ignore the mirror
Actual explanation-they found out people were actually watching them
Once someone found out they were people watching them, kids start to
act weird
Correlations- looking at a relationship between two or more variables
o r= correlation coefficient
o -1.00 0(no relationships) +1.00
o -inverse +direct
o 1.00 (whether its or +) perfect relationships
o Inverse- One variable goes up, the other goes down
o Closer to -/+1.00, stronger relationships, closer to 0, weaker relationships
Binet Simon intelligence test 1904- to see who was capable to do this, who wasn’t
o It allows to predict and describe, can’t draw conclusion from correlational study
o Always 3 possible interpretation
o A causes B
o B causes A
o C causes A and B
Autistic children (A)
Refrigerator parents-cold (B)
A causes B
B causes A
C causes A+B
Ex post facto studies- study of what subject have done after subject have done?
- Characteristic they come in with
- Allows us predict and describe
Cross-cultured sties: universalities or differences
- Looks at a behavior in two or more societies throughout the world
- Find twos things (exactly same or exactly different)
- Babbling-Chomsky: L.A.D (language acquisition device)
Universality. Supports Naturists
occurs universally begins at two months of age contain or the sounds of
all language in the world, continue all the reinforcement up till 6 month
of age, after that all the sound reinforcement sounds will disappear
- Abkhasia- life expectancy 140
- Japan- has higher suicidal rate- high expectation of education on children
Japan celebrate 60 years old, completely free healthcare
- Mali- life expectancy 37
- Margaret Mead -gender identity in New Guinea
Tribe A-girls got dolls, boys got bow and arrow
Tribe B-adverse
Tribe C-everyone got both
In our society, females tend to live in tribe C, males tend to live in tribe A
Androgyny (Sandra Bem) androgynous- refer to people who can display
both masculine and feminine characteristic
Comparative studies- looks at a behavior in difference spices
- Language in Chimpanzees (closes to man)
Kellogg Gua,
Gua was six months old
Hayes Vicki
Raised as a child, but no siblings
Gardener Washoe (Fouts) ASL-American sign language
Thought Chims don’t have vocal cords, that’s why they
couldn’t tal, so taught Washoe sign languages
Rumbaugh- computers
Patterson- Koko-gorilla(they though gorilla are stupier than
Chims can learn sign language and gorilla can behave the way human do
We use correlation studies When we want to study in human, so we do it on another spieces
Looking for species that behave different than one another, and
Comparative study
Discrimination learning- Kendler
show subject number of differ object, ask them if they are able to difference them, and see if
they can choose the correct one
continue choose the same box when getting rewarded, choose a different box when getting
wrong answer
person under the age 7 figured out the answer exactly the same as the rats do
Discrimination Learning
Concrete thought-rats and children
Abstract thought -adults
Verbal mediation -adults use verbal mediation to solve problem
Rats don’t have forebrain
Found out people with Alzheimer’s solve the problem the same way rats and children do
5 steps to teach before teaching (not in an order)
Make sure the subject is physically capable of performing the response-don’t teach someone
without legs to run
Make sure the subject is physically capable of perceiving the stimulus
Make sure that that the subject is motivated to perform
Assess the subject’s OPERANT-LEVEL(BASELINE)- found out what they are able to do before
Make sure that reinforce is reinforcing to the subject- keep rewarding the subject
Experimental Method-only study that allows us to find the answer, describe and explain, make
prediction and recognized if they are not doing it.
1. Hypothesis- educated guess
2. Variables
Independent- cause dependent variables
Dependent-Response of subject
Extraneous(confounding)-anything effects dependent variables other than
independent variable
3. Operational definitions- Definition of measurable event (how do you define love)
4. Select subjects and Assign to Groups
Experimental group
Control group-nothing is done to it, placebo
Single-blind study-controls for subject set, only subject don’t know
Double blind study controls for experimenter, both subject and
experimenter don’t know
Bias and subject Set
Representative (non-biased)
Sample Random

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