Leadership Leadership is never

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Leadership is never easy. No matter how effortlessly some leaders appear to manage, the
path of a leader is one burden with constant challenge and surprise. However, the leader
does not face the task alone. A leader usually has a group or organization working to meet
each challenge and achieve each goal. Leadership is the process of securing direction in
social activity which otherwise would be blind and disorderly. (Murphy, pg.53) Leadership
is crucial in implementing decisions successfully. The absence of leadership however is
equally dramatic in its effects. Without leadership, organizations move too slowly and lose
their way. Common issues surrounding the leader-member relationships include not having
a strong leader and not having proper leader-member trust.
Having a strong leader in a leadership role is vital to the success of the organization.
Someone who is there to guide them and help them make the right decision is important.
However, I believe that a strong leader isn’t just one who dictates but helps. A strong
leader isn’t one who injects leadership but is one that is the instrumental factor through
which the situation is brought to a solution. (Murphy, pg.53) Groups do not act because
they have leaders, but they secure leaders to help them to act. A strong effective leader
should maintain a low profile and work through others. A strong leader should help their
followers achieve their goals and make them feel as if they did it all by themselves.
When an organization doesn’t have a strong leader, things start to fall apart. The LMX

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