Kite runner Dialectical Journal

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Prabby Pannu
Dialectical Journal
Kite Runner
By: Khaled Hosseini
Text Response
“With me as the glaring exception, my
father molded the world around him to
his liking. The problem, of course, was
that Baba saw the world in black and
white. And he got to decide what was
black and what was white. You can't love
a person who lives that way without
fearing him too. Maybe even hating him a
little. (Chapter 3)
This quote means that Baba has his own
way of thinking. Just like white or black,
Baba saw the world as right or wrong,
good or bad, etc. So Baba wasn’t so
open-minded about things. That’s where
the fear comes into place. A person who
is so provincial in their beliefs tends to
frighten people because their beliefs can
be so rigid that it can be hard to talk the
person. Moreover, no matter what one
says to the person, the person will
always think a certain way.
“If I changed my mind and asked for a
bigger and fancier kite, Baba would buy it
for me – but then he would buy it for
Hassan too. Sometimes, I wished he
Amir is looking for his father’s approval
and acceptance. He always feels jealousy
towards Hassan due to the fact both of
the boys have to share Baba’s attention. I

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