Intermittent Fasting

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Intermittent Fasting
Anthony Serrano
Attention Getter: (Show slide 1) You just checked the scale, you’re standing in the mirror, you
realize you’re not as healthy as you used to be, and you’ve tried everything from fad diets to
crazy exercise regimes but nothing seems to work. Or maybe 12 o’clock comes around and
you’re not quite hungry for lunch? Your body might be telling you something. Hi, my name is
Anthony Serrano and I want to ask you, how many meals do you eat a day? Most of us grew up
thinking 3 meals a day is what we're supposed to eat in order to get everything our bodies
need, but what if I told you that our bodies can not only get by with 1 meal a day, but also
thrive off 1 meal a day? (Show slide 2)

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