Individual Values Impact On Organizational Behavior

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 926
subject School maryville university
subject Course Organizational Behavior

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As it is in many organizations, we see behaviors resulting in unethical behavior and
conflicts. What causes these issues? Some may say bad management. But I believe that
individual values result in how people act, which causes a significant impact on organizational
behavior. Although individuals are singly persons that are distinct from a group, their actions
can change organizational group behavior. This topic is especially special to me because I was
born into a Caribbean culture, which instilled in me unique values that are much different from
what I see in my organization. These values guide my behavior and allow me to make an
imprint on my organizational behavior as well. The book 'Essentials of Organizational Behavior'
stresses how different values are individual cultural beliefs frequently used to identify one's

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