In The Mind Of Google

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Divya Emani
Information Systems Management
Wes Rhea
6 April 2014
In The Mind Of Google
Write at least two paragraphs on your overall thoughts of Google and if you would like to
work there. Give me three reasons as to why you would like to work at Google or not work
at Google. - 10 points.
Google is a global technology leader, focused on improving the ways people connect
with information. Through innovations in web search and advertising, Google is now a top Inter-
net destination and possesses one of the most recognized brands in the world. Available to any-
one with an Internet connection, Google maintains the world's largest online index of web sites
and other content. I personally believe that the only way this company will go is up, because
nearly 2/3 of the internet search is done on Google. They are also involved in Youtube, Gmail,
and many other ventures which also seem like they will be around for a while.

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