Important Wars

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subject School houston Community college
subject Course History

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SPANISH AMERICAN WAR (April 21, 1898- Aug 13, 1891)
under Mckinley
- Causes:
- Cuban revolts, concern US has investments in Sugar plantations
- U.S. had sympathy for the plight of the Cuban people
- Yellow journalism
- De Lome letter: Spanish official disrespects Pres William Mckinley
- In Feb 15 1898, People think Spain blew up the the USS Maine a U.S.
battleship of the coast of Cuba
- In April 1898 the US DECLARES war against Spain
- US, Cuba, Philippines VS. Spain
- Teller Amendment: Passed at start of the war (Means the US have no intention of
taking over Cuba)
- S/A War ENDS in August 1898 with the Treaty of Paris
- gives the U.S. Guam, Cuba, Puerto, and the Philippines
- Spain is paid $20 million dollars though
- Teller Amendment replaced by the Platt amendment in 1901
- US could maintain naval base in Guantanamo bay
- Foraker Act (1900)
- Puerto Rico was granted a limited degree of popular govt.
- Emilio Aguinaldo: leader of the Philip. Independence movement against Spain
- thought the Phili. would receive Independence
- Brutal guerilla war takes place between the US and the Philip.
- Formal independence does not come until 1946
- Boxer Rebellion 1890
- Uprising attempt to remove foreign influence from China
- Foreign offices attacked, chineses christian missionaries being killed
- Put down eventually by international force
WORLD WAR I (July 28, 1914 - Nov 11, 1918)
US joins April 6, 1917
Under Wilson
- Us initially Neutral
- Causes:
- immediate cause: assassination of Franz Ferdinand (June 1914)
- German sinking of the Lusitania 1915, apologizing but then sinking the Sussex in
1916, Sussex Pledge
- Zimmerman note: British intercept a German proposal to Mexico for a joint
- In the note they ask Mexico to attack the US and they would be allowed

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