How to Write Research Papers

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1. The word "Research"€ refers to search for knowledge; a search for truth, a prolonged,
intensive and purposeful search. The goal of all research is progress. Research is largely a
matter of raising questions, and then trying to find an answer or solution to a problem.
Rusk writes, "Research is point of view, an attitude of inquiry, or a frame of mind. It
comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggesting
solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and testing the
conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated hypotheses"€. Crawford writes
"research is a systematic and refined technique of thinking, employing specialised tools,
instruments and procedure in order to obtain a more adequate solution of a problem"€.
"Research is thus a "€systematic quest undiscovered truth"€™.
2. The term "Dissertation"€ was coined from the Latin derivative of the word discourse or
disputation. A dissertation is thus a paper containing detailed debate, or discussion, or
arguments on a subject, submitted to a university for the award of a degree. In writing a
dissertation, one utilizes relevant work of earlier authors in order to advance ones own
views. However, every dissertation is expected to make an original contribution with an
aim to supplement existing knowledge on that subject. The term "Research Report"€ refers
to dissertation.
3. Research assumes significance in the context of the following:-
(a) It enables to take decisions based on reliable and factual data.
(b) It is logical and objective.
(c) It foresees the implications of particular phenomenon.
(d) It promotes social welfare and scientific development (Temper).
(e) It facilitates prediction and helps in planning.
(f) It enables the researcher to be systematic and organised.
4. Research has seven discrete characteristics, which taken together, comprise the
particular approach to probing for truth which we call "€research"€™. They are:-
(a) Research begins with the question in the mind of the researcher.
(b) Research demands the identification of the problem, stated in clear unambiguous terms,
which a researcher seeks to solve.
(c) Research requires a definite plan (Quantification).
(d) Researcher deals with the main problem through appropriate sub-problems.
(e) Research seeks direction through appropriate hypotheses.
(f) Research deals with facts and their meaning (interpretation).
(g) Research is a cyclic process.
The resources available to expedite the means by which a researcher endeavors to
accomplish the research objectives are commonly grouped into five categories. These are
called as Tools of Research. They are:-
a) Information Sources
b) Statistical Tools
c) Computers
d) Measurement Techniques (Qualification)
e) Languages
Ingredients of research report should be decided keeping in mind the needs of the
people/academic institutions/organizations.
The headings and sub-headings should also focus on the requirements and the problems
identified for the study.
Generally, a research report consists of three parts:
i Preliminary
ii Text
iii Reference materials
Each of the main parts consists of several subsections as given below:
i Preliminary
1. Title of the report
2. Declaration
3. Certificate
4. Preface
5. Table of contents
6. List of Tables
ii Text
1. Introduction
"€¢ Background
"€¢ Problem Statement
"€¢ Avoidance of duplication of research
"€¢ Feasibility of a problem
"€¢ Research Objectives
2. Review of Literature
3. Methodology
4. Profile of the study area
5. Analysis of study
6. Summary and conclusion as many as chapters required for presenting the report
iii Reference materials
1. Appendix
2. Glossary
3. Bibliography / Literature cited
4. Index
These are the components of the beginning stage. The preliminaries do not make direct
contribution to the identified research problem. However it assists the reader in using the
research report.
1. Title of the report / thesis
The Title of the research should be an uncommon and undiscovered topic. In consonance
with the essential character of research that is an intensive investigation of a limited topic
in perspective, the title of a research topic should indicate what exactly it is, not less nor
more. It should be exact, meaningful, self-contained and at the same time as short as
possible. It should not be vague or misleading. The topic should reflect in such a way that
it covers the whole theme of the research work.
To illustrate, a title like "€Identification of Traditional products in India"€™, might be
supposed to possess all the qualities expected. On the other hand, the following forms
would be defective:
i. "€Identification of Traditional products"€™, because it is not exact.
ii. "€Traditional products"€™, because it is not meaningful.
iii. "€Identification of Traditional products"€™, because it is not self contained.
iv. "€Identification of Traditional products mentioned in Foreign trade policy in
India"€™, because the title can be shortened without sacrificing the purport.
v. "€Identification of Traditional in India"€™, because it is vague.
vi. "€Traditional products in India"€™, because it is misleading.
If required, there can be a sub-title as well.
A title with a sub-title may be illustrated by the following:
"€Identification of Traditional products"€™
"€with special reference to the tribal sectors in India"€™
The title with a sub-title can jot down and re-write as
"€Identification of Traditional products with special reference to the tribal sectors in
It should be noted here, a careful study and observation is required to select the research
topic. This is the focused area to be considered. It should be mentioned in the cover page
of the report and must be written in bold capital letters or in italic words in the centre of
the page.
The title page is the cover page and generally has the following information:
"€¢ Title of the report (should be written in capital bold letters / or Italic words)
"€¢ The month and year of submission
"€¢ For whom and by whom the report is submitted
"€¢ If project / research report is submitted for award of degree, the degree for which
the dissertation is submitted for should be listed
Supervisors name should have to be mentioned.
Exactly the same cover page of the project / thesis should be inserted in the second page of
the report.
2. Declaration
In case, it is academic research, the 3rd page should be the declaration. Here to declare by
heading the page as DECLARATION as capital letter that the report is original one not
been submitted to anywhere to acquire any other degree / diploma.
3. Certificate
In case, it is academic research, the 4th page should be the certificate page and to be
written in capital letter same as of Declaration page. Here the Research Supervisor will
certify that this research work is a original one by the researcher and has not been
submitted any places for any purpose.
The Text
The text is the most important part of a report as it is in this section that the writer presents
the facts. The researcher should devote the greater part of attention to careful organization
of his findings or arguments. The text may be organizes as
1. Introduction
2. Review of literature
3. Methodology
4. Profile of study area
5. Analysis of study
6. Summary and conclusion as may chapters as required for presenting the report.
The introduction prepares the reader for the report by describing the various parts:
background, problem statement and research objectives.
The background information provides a prelude to the reader of the research report. It may
be the preliminary results of exploration the servey or any other source. The secondary
data from the literature review could also be highlighted. Previous research, theory or
situations that led to the research issue can be discussed. The literature should be
organized, integrated and presented in a logical manner. The background include
definitions assumptions etc. It provide the needed information to understand the remainder
of the research report. It contains information pertinent to the management problem or the
situation that led to the study. I t may place before the problem statement.
Problem Statement
The problem statement contains the need for the research project. The problem is usually
represented by management question. It is followed by more detailed set of objectives. The
guidelines are given below:
1.It gives basic facts about the problem
2.It specify the causes or origin of the problem
3.It explains the significance of the problem.
Research Objectives
The research objective provides the purpose of the research. The objectives may be
research questions and associated investigative questions. In co relation study, the
hypothesis statements are included. Hypotheses are declarative statements describing the
relationship between two or more variables. They state clearly the vaiable of concern, the
relationship among them, and the target group being studied. Operational definitions of
variable should be included.
The methodology contains the following sections:
1.The type of study viz"€¦ descriptive, exploratory should be mentioned in the
2.The sampling design explains the sample method and sample size.
3.The data collection method is described in the report.
4.The tools used for analysis is data should be explained
Analysis of study and findings and conclusion
The analysis is generally the longest section of the report. The objective is to explain the
data. Wherever needed the data should be supplanted with chart and graphs. The
conclusion serves the important functions of tying together the whole thesis or assignment.
The recommendations of the study are also presented in this section. It provides idea about
the corrective actions. In academic research, suggestions broadens the understanding of
the subject area. In applied research, the recommendation includes the guidelines for

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