How To Kill A Lion

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Marketing Management (chapter 6)
1. Introduction
2. How the lion story complies with real business situation
3. Answering the questions:
A. What can we learn from this story?
B. How does this relate to businesses and competition?
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction
It is a well-written story about a future warrior that has to kill a lion (it based on an old tradition) to
become a real warrior. In this story we can see many parallels with a real business world. It shows
us the steps that warriors did to win the lion, methods that they used and also we can see a clear
difference between fair and unfair competitions (lion and warriors). So, we will consider this topics
in our next explanation.
2. How the lion story complies with real business situation
We can try to rewrite this story to the business strategy. In my opinion, the best reaction from the
business world that can describe this story is «the Tiger Competitor reaction». In other words, we
can go through their actions: at first, the warriors have one option (they can try to go to the lion with
single hand and bare wrist) that came from the old tradition.But this tradition become out of

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