HD 302

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subject School University of Alanama
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Module 1
Hall and Arnett both voiced their position on the topic of storm and stress. G. Stanley
Hall’s impression of adolescence is that adolescence is a time of storm and stress. In today’s
society, scientists have rejected Hall’s view of storm and stress in adolescence as being
inevitable. Hall initiated the study of adolescence, and since then many other scientists have
furthered the research of the topic of adolescence, as well as the area of storm and stress during
this period of time in someone’s life. JJ Arnett views adolescence as a time of individual
differences among adolescents in the extent to which they exhibit storm and stress and that there
are cultural variations in the time of adolescent storm and stress.
In the article, the history of storm and stress did not begin with Hall. The idea of storm
and stress, or the emotional and behavioral time of adolescence, began with Aristotle, Socrates
and Rousseau. When Rousseau was writing about storm and stress, a new genre was developing
in German Literature, that translated to, “Storm and Stress”. Because of this genre, it gave rise
to the idea of storm and stress that Hall would eventually address. To Hall, the idea of storm and
stress was obvious in the age of adolescences’ likelihood of questioning and contradicting his or
her parents, their mood, as well as their decision to participate in reckless and risky behaviors.
Hall also was known for depicting the idea of storm and stress in adolescence as universal and
biological, but that culture influenced adolescence’s encounter of storm and stress.
Although not every adolescent will go through the storm and stress stage, it is more likely
to occur during the time of adolescence rather than adulthood. Three key aspects include conflict
with parents, mood disruptions, and risk behavior. According to the article, adolescents will
have an average of two conflicts every three days, or 20 per month, with his or her parent(s).
The highest rate of conflicts happen between mothers and their adolescent daughter. During the
period of adolescence, they have a period of time where he or she tends to be rebellious against
their parent(s) as well as resist authority of his or her parent. When this happens, it causes
conflict between the adolescent and the adult(s). Adolescents also become more emotionally
unpredictable than children or adults. They tend to experience more intense moods as well as
more frequent mood swings and depression. Adolescents also have higher rates of partaking in
reckless or risky behavior during this time in their life. They are more likely to cause disruptions
and engage in behavior that could potentially harm them or the people around them.
In the aspect of storm and stress, individual differences, cultural variations and
globalization all play a role in storm and stress. Individual differences play a role in storm and
stress because everyone thinks and acts different ways. Also, not every parent allows their
children to have as much freedom as another parent. Cultural variations play a role in storm and
stress because in some cultures, young boys are not being able to do things with adult men,
which could cause problems between the two. The role that globalization plays in storm and
stress is that influencers start things that adolescents think is okay to do at their age, such as fight
with their parents, just so he or she can be like the person they look up to.
In conclusion, I personally agree with Arnett and his idea of storm and stress. I agree
with him because Arnett viewed storm and stress as an extended age range and that different
elements of the storm and stress time occurred at different peaks. Adolescents’ conflicts with
their parents occur in early adolescence. Arnett also stated that mood disruptions happened
around the mid-adolescent stage and risk behaviors would happen later in adolescent and into
emerging adulthood. I agree with this because I was an adolescent once and not everything
happened at once. Instead all of it happened over an extended period of time during the stage of
Chapter 1:
Adolescence is a time of physical change because the endocrine system gets a wake-
up call. During adolescence, females develop sex characteristics such as ovaries, fallopian
tubes, vulva and their breasts become more prominent. For males, they develop sex
characteristics such as testes, scrotum, and penis. Males also begin to grow facial hair and
develop an Adam’s apple. During puberty, not only do males and females develop sex
characteristics, they also have changes in body composition, rapid acceleration of weight,
as well as growth. During this time, there are also changes in the circulatory and
respiratory systems.
Maria, who is maturing earlier than her classmates, is more likely to suffer from low
self-esteem and depression than her peer that will be maturing later in life. There is a
possibility that Maria may even suffer from eating disorders, panic attacks, social anxiety,
or be the victim of rumors and gossip. She might also receive more attention from older
boys and, in turn, start participating in deviant activities and risky behaviors.
John, on the other hand, will not experience as many emotional difficulties as Maria.
He may also be quite popular and self-confident, as it is likely that he will be tall and
muscular before his peers. However, like Maria, he is also more likely to participate in

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