Gun Violence

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Maria Patricia Cabugao
CRJA 3300- Section 01
Professor Michelle Rippy
25th February 2018
Crime Prevention and Control
The way of preventing and controlling crimes is a sufficient and temperate method to cut
down illegal offenses. One way in making communities safe and secure is by upholding powerful
programs about crime prevention and control as well as keeping them in good condition and having
everyone in that community take part in order to fight and reduce crimes. There are many ways
available to prevent and control crimes. There is community policing, surveillance cameras, having
police officers engage in the whole community and vice versa, programs about crime prevention
and control, and many more. In the course of recent years, guns or weapons have been the reason
crimes are increasing. Before and up to this current day, there are many gun-related incidents and
deaths that have occurred in this country. Most of the time, the majority of people who engaged
themselves in shootings and killings got their weapons from their own particular home. For many
reasons, guns or weapons is one of the biggest controversial issues that people need to address and
do something about.
The United States has done many things to stop and control the issue regarding gun
violence. Most of these laws that this country passed did not prevent or neither control gun-related
incidents and deaths. In urban areas where violence is uncontrolled, having stricter gun laws did
not do anything to stop an individual from having a gun. According to an article “Stricter Gun
Laws Along Won’t Stop America’s Urban Violence,” written by Peggy Rambach, having and
implementing gun control laws will not help reduce crimes in urban areas. Moreover, it will not
prevent people to commit gun violence because gun control laws do not solve the problems why
people commit those kinds of crimes. She afterward explained that this country needs to find out
the very reason why people commit these kinds of crimes in the first place. After the Sandy Hook
Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut that occurred on December 14, the year
2012, the United States government has passed many laws regarding gun control. The United
States government passed 86 state gun laws that include stricter rules for background checks for
people who purchase guns as well as limiting the size of magazines in rifles. In addition, President
Obama during that time decided to sign a United Nation Treaty on gun control. The purpose of
this treaty is to not allow warlords, pirates, and terrorists to own guns or weapons. Many people
disagree with this treaty saying that this violates their Second Amendment rights which is the

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