Gender Roles In todays society

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In todays society Gender Role, Gender Identity, and Transgender are terms you here quite often.
Traditional gender role in most places in the world is that men are the providers and the
protectors of their household and women are nurtures. Men are expected to take out the trash and
cut the grass while women are expected to cook and clean the house. Another example of gender
role is seen in sports. Boys play football and wrestle and girls cheerlead and dance. It is almost
frowned upon by many girls try to play sports that are deemed only for boys. Gender identity is
bit different. Gender identity is the gender a person identifies with. A male can identify as female
and vice versa. Gender identity is affected by gender role. People say men should do this and
woman should do that and this often confuses some people and makes them feel inadequate to
there biological gender so they identify with the other. Then there is Transgender is very similar
to gender identity and is also effected by gender role but in most cases of transgender the person
identifying as such often times gets surgery to changes to the gender they want to identify with.
204 words

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