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Jessica D’Auria
Assignment 13
K103 Section DL1
QUESTION 1. Describe the 3 key insights into racism discussed in “5 Things You Should Know About
Racism” and why you selected each of these 3 points
I think one of the most important points in this video is that good people can unintentionally do and say
racist things. I think that when many of us think of what racism is we are thinking of individuals being
hateful and purposely trying to put down others but that is not always the case. I like the example of
stepping on someone’s foot. It is true, we don’t do that on purpose but it also doesn’t stop the other
person from feeling pain. I also like the fact that even through race is a social construct it doesn’t make
it any less real. We hear all the time how people try to be colorblind and encourage others to try and
ignore color. The fact is that we see race every time we see an individual and there is nothing we can do
about it except for try to change the way people view race. We should see it as just another trait like
anything else… nobody is ever treated differently for different color eyes or hair so why should skin be
any different? The fact that black or Latino individuals have a harder time getting jobs was the third
most eye opening point to me. When we think of this kind of treatment, it almost seems as if we are
back in the days when slavery was common. I can’t believe even in 2017 even prison sentences for
black’s vs whites are more intense. We need to rethink a lot! I selected these three points because I feel
as if everyone should know about these things. It is important to know that racism is not always
intentional, that color blindness is a good idea in theory and that we still have individuals who have
trouble getting jobs just based on the color of their skin. These are topics that need to be discussed
more often.
QUESTION 2. In The Color-Coding of Wealth in America,” Leopold argues, “The evidence is
overwhelming: Historical discrimination AND ongoing [recent and present] discrimination are
responsible for the huge racial wealth gap” (p. 139). Describe, mostly using your own words and
quoting and citing relevant pages when you do not:
A. How he supports this claim, and
He supports this claim by discussing major issues that many minorities have faced and face today.
One example he gives is about red lining. This means that many minorities are not being approved
for home loans and not able to move into communities that are known as primarily white. One of
the biggest purchases an individual will ever make in their lifetime is the purchase of their home and
many minorities are not being offered this option.
B. Why you agree and/or disagree with his analysis and conclusions
I agree that there is a racial wealth gap and it is strictly because of racism and not the ability of
minorities. We need to focus less on color in this world and focus more on who people are and what
they need and want. There is no reason for perfectly qualified families to be turned away from a
location or a loan in general just because of the color of their skin.
QUESTION 3. Drawing on the key insights from “Roughly Half of Hispanics Have Experienced
Discrimination” AND “Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos In The South, describe, mostly using
your own words and quoting and citing relevant pages when you do not:
A. What the authors believe are the most problematic types of discrimination that Latinos
encounter in the U.S., and
One of the most problematic forms of discrimination many face in today’s world is the opportunity
to find jobs. Many Latinos are basically being forced to work on farms, picking or watering crops for
far too many hours are far too little pay.
B. Why you agree and/or discuss with their analysis and conclusions
I agree that it is a major issue that many of the Latinas, many of which are bilingual are being forced
to participate in labor intensive jobs where they will often work very hard and still receive less than
minimum wage.
QUESTION 4. Describe, mostly using your own words and quoting from her when you do not, how
Alexander, in her talk “The Future of Race in America”, supports her conclusion that the criminal

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