Fall foliage season may be later, but longer on warmer Earth

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Brandi Robertson
Envs 1301
Professor Guo
Fall foliage season may be later, but longer on warmer Earth
The article “Fall foliage season may be later, but longer on warmer Earth” by Princeton
University mentions how the hot summer temperatures could linger and the fall season could be
coming later within the century in some states in the United States. Although the article also
states that even though the fall temperature could not come at its usual timing it could be longer.
The longer summer is then with the delay of fall would affect the growing season, carbon uptake,
agriculture, water supplies and even animal behavior. This change in the climate would cause fall
leaf peeping if hot temperatures linger on. As researchers from Princeton University mentions
that the New Hampshire state tree named the foliage tree would change a month after it is
supposed to due to the temperature change. David Medvigy a senior author within this article

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