Essay on Childhood

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Lexus lee
Children Lit
I could remember a time when I was in the 5th grade, rushing to finish eating, so I can be
the first one on the line to go outside. Going outside back then meant the world to me. Having
the chance to go outside and play in the middle of the school day was also new to me. The time
had come when everyone cleaned their mess at the table and was on line ready to go. With two
straight lines formed, we walked down the long narrow hallway until we reached the exit sign to
the playground. Once our home room teacher Ms. Maloney had open the doors we would run out
and enjoy the fresh air. There were two different ways to enter the playground, the stairs, and the
ramp way. By each way there would be a big crowd full of girls surrounding it to determine if
you can go up and play or not. I would try to run pass them because I didn’t think that was fair,
but they would push me back and tell me that I didn’t qualify. I would ask them “How come I
don’t qualify for the playground?”. And they would tell me because my hair was to short and my
skin was to dark. Suddenly there was pain in my heart and tears began to form in my eyes.
Because of these bullies all the excitement of going outside just went away. I sat down and began
to think to myself, how can I change my appearance? Because I really wanted to be accepted by
these girls. Then suddenly a girl came up to me and put a blue jolly rancher down my pants. Out
of shock I responded by pushing her and asking her “Why would you do that?”. She then says
“Because no one wants you here, you’re different.”. After all that I got up and went inside
through the gym entrance. I went through this entrance because I wanted to avoid everyone.
Then thoughts of everyone just hating me ran through my mind. I went straight to the guidance
counselor office and cried. She asked me why I was crying and I had told her that because
nothing was going right for me outside. She asked me what do I mean by that, I then exclaimed
to her how the other girls outside we’re treating me with disrespect just because of the way I

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