Enciroment And An Discussion

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In this era of globalization and commercialization of many consumer products. It is important for
consumers to understand the health risks associated with consumer products. Around the world
consumers are exposed to chemicals that they are unaware exist in their products of choice, even in
situations where they are listed on the products. There are no warnings of potential hazards. The
objectives of this assignment are :
1. Investigate 10 household products you use at home
2. Identify some possible toxicants contained in them and their uses.
3. Research the potential risk of prolonged exposure to them.
I need this assignment structured exactly as it is designed.
1. Ten items: WD40, bleach, Carmex, paper towels, diapers, baby wipes, duct tape, garbage bags,
Hairspray, dish detergent
2. Toxins contained in :
a. WD40: contains most of the same chemicles as gasoline.including alkanes and
hydrocarbons. It also has the ingrediats that make up a lava lamp like baby oil and

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