EN2150 week 3 assignment

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EN2150: Week 3 Assignment
© Ultimate Medical Academy.
How can I effectively compose routine, positive, negative, and persuasive
business messages?
This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules
and readings.
Healthcare employees are expected to be effective communicators with
written and spoken communication. In order to send a variety of messages
to others, in a way that is understandable and well-received, you must follow
the three-step writing process.
Brief Business Messages
Answer the following questions.
1. According to your textbook, when is an email message appropriate for communicating?
It is appropriate for short, informal messages that request information and to respond to inquiries. It’s
also effective for messages to multiple receivers and messages that must be saved. And, it can also
be used as a cover document when you are sending longer attachments.
2. List two purposes of good email subject lines?
a. Summarize the main idea in condensed form
b. Make the receiver want to open the message
3. List the four reasons when an inter-office memorandum would be more appropriate than sending an
Too long for email
Require a permanent record
Demand formality
Inform employees who may not have work email
4. Business letters are more confidential than messages sent through electronic media.
5. What is the best advice for using instant messaging or texting on the job?
(Select only one)
Use jargon, slang, or abbreviations freely to save time.
Feel free to use instant messaging or texts to send sensitive information.
Learn about your organization's messaging policies
Make yourself available at all times.
Writing Routine and Positive Messages
Answer the following questions.
6. Identify the 3 channels through which typical positive and neutral messages travel in the
digital era.
a. Emails
b. Memos
c. Business Letters
7. Write a positive business message to the following scenario:
You are working at a hospital, and the lobby is getting new furniture and a new layout next month to
make patients more comfortable and improve the check-in process. Your supervisor asked you to
write a message to your fellow staff members about the patients’ new seating arrangements in the
lobby for this month’s newsletter. Use the 3x3 writing process to plan, draft and revise your
Hello Staff, Next month, our hospital lobby will be undergoing renovations. We will be receiving new

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