Diversity In The Legal Profession

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subject Pages 9
subject Words 2375
subject School University of South Florida
subject Course ANT 4516

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Shalynn Padgett
Dr. Jayaram
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
October 31, 2018
Diversity Within the Legal Profession
The legal profession, with great strength in the United States, is uniquely positioned at
the forefront for immense social transformation. Law, and the legal field, is shaped by cultural
shifts, and it is the lawyer that plays the role of an architect, per say, in all proceedings.
However, the legal field seemingly holds the least diverse profession of all, failing to transform
in order to sufficiently fit the ever-changing demographics and cultural makeup of the American
society we know. Despite the claims of being a culturally diverse field and numerous attempts at
creating total parity within the profession, the legal field remains today much as it was at its
creation white, and male-dominated. This research project aims to research the field, and
compose solutions that will raise awareness to the crucial need for diversity and inclusion within
the legal profession and practices to ensure individuals are properly represented, and receive
adequate counsel. In order to understand the issues surrounding diversity within the legal
profession and field, it is important to assess the education of legal professionals, the process of
counsel for claimants, and statements from culturally-diverse professionals within the field to
analyze the true presence of diversity within the profession.
The sources used within this research project will offer great insight into the diversity
present within the legal field, and, in contrast, the means for change. Within the University of
South Florida’s databases, various academic articles and research project can be found with their
focus on diversity, and arguably, the lack thereof, within the fields of law. Most projects and
present on the topic, such as Judge Joseph A. Greenway’s address to first-year Law Students at the
Cardozo Law School, offer critical analyses of the legal field through personal discussions,
observation, and interviews, with legal professionals of varying backgrounds, assessing the
presence of diversity and parity within the field.
In order to formally conduct a research project on the topic of diversity within the legal
profession and field, interviews from legal professionals, studies from acclaimed universities and
professional organizations, and statements from claimants involved in the legal process will be
essential components of analysis. Gathering research focusing on the education legal professionals
receive, especially between individuals of different backgrounds, will offer great insight into the
diversity present within the field. Considering one’s education does translate to the legal process
they practice in their profession, there could be great differences into the decisions made in legal
matters concerning individuals of varying backgrounds. After an analysis of certain statistical data
displaying the populations of those receiving legal education, it will be essential to gather
information from legal professionals themselves, describing the challenges of diversity within the
field, and how their practice has an effect on case outcomes. In order to research the true effects
of little diversity and parity within the field, research surrounding claimant and case outcomes will
also be analyzed. Overall, much of this research project will rely on qualitative and quantitative
data displaying the effects uniformity has on the legal field within the United States.
The topic of diversity and inclusion within the legal field is one of great importance, but
is commonly avoided by individuals comprising the legal field and profession. With a record of
increasing diversity within the United States, the legal field is requiring great transformation in
the field of all matters. Yet, the legal community remains critically out of touch with changing
demographics. The profession is still comprised primarily of white males, much as it was
throughout its entire history, and there is little hope that change is imminent. The American Bar
Association, eminently at the center of all legal actions, has stated that they have made a
commitment to ensuring the disparity within the legal field is diminished in order to better serve
the United States population. However, despite the American Bar Association’s statements, there
has been little commitment to eliminating the bias within the profession in regards to minority
groups, individuals with disabilities, women, and individuals expressing varying sexual
orientations and gender identities. In order for great transformations to occur, educational
programs and diverse legal proceedings need to be introduced to rid of the traditional
perspectives that act to discourage diversity within the profession. While all lawyers should
present an understanding of the importance of diversity within the legal field, their firms and
their legal practices, analyses of the legal field show that only a minority percentage of all

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