Disapearing Polar Ice Caps

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Disappearing Polar Ice Caps
Global warming is affecting our climate change. There has been an increase in our planets
temperature which is having a huge domino effect on all living things. The polar ice caps are
melting at a very fast rate because of the temperature increases. The polar ice caps are our extra
drinking water supply and are vital to our survival. If they all melt we will be in big trouble. We
need drinking water to live. If we run out of drinking water that will be a massive problem. Some
people may think we have all the water in the world, but we cannot drink salt water we need clean
drinking water and there is only a limited amount left so we need to preserve it. Another reason
we need to stop global warming is the wild life that live up there, like polar bears, are starting to
die off because of the increase in temperature. Their environment is diminishing and is not cold
enough for them to live in. We need to decrease global warming because this is only a tiny fraction
of the problems that it is causing to our planet. It is our responsibility to solve this solution since
we are the ones who created it. I do not feel that global warming has affected me yet personally,
but I think it will have an effect on us humans if we keep going down this path. We may not see
the problems that global warming is causing because they are not right in front of us, but they exist

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