Deportation Exploitation

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National Government
November 9, 2016
Term Paper
Extra! Extra! Deportation Exploitation: at the deportation policies and processes within the
United States Government
Imagine you're originally from Russia or some other foreign land that's not the United
States, and you hopped on a boat and rode for two months until you arrived in America, and have
been living there successfully under the radar, or illegally, for the past few years. As an illegal
immigrant, you know that you face the potential threat of deportation every day. America, coined
as a melting pot of many different races and ethnicities, has to deal with large waves of
immigration every year- a good portion of that wave, however, are those immigrants who enter
the country illegally, without gaining temporary or official United States citizenship. Therefore,
the U.S. Government has many departments and policies in place to combat and treat this flow of
illegal entry into the country using deportation and all that accompanies it.
The dictionary definition of deportation, the lawful expulsion of an undesired alien or
other person from a country back to their original country of birth or citizenship, undermines the
true complexity of deportation especially in the United States, as it is a deeply entrenched
concept within government and quite a few agencies are involved in its execution. Those
agencies, tasked with overseeing nearly every aspect of deportation proceedings, include the
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS), and the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR). The Immigration
and Customs Enforcement handles on a daily basis, enforcement of more than 400 federal
statutes and legal immigration, combating otherwise, handling the surface of immigration
directly. The mundane aspects of deportation and immigration, for example processing and
allegations, are dealt by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Lastly, the court
trials and proceedings are executed by the Executive Office for Immigration Review.
While the common perception of the immigrants deported, is that of the immigrants who
sneak in illegally and are caught, undocumented immigrants, or those who remain within borders
beyond their permitted allocated time, such as on a visa, there are actually many other
immigrants who can be deported for reasons otherwise. The most general reason simply being to
not fall in compliance with, or violate, the agreed upon conditions of their stay within United
States borders. The grounds for immigrant deportation are explicitly written out in Section 237

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