Cultivation Theory 1 When someone

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1. When someone habitually purchases something; they do not have a strong bond or attitude
towards the brand, they are simply buying it because it is familiar to them. Brand loyalty is when
the customer repeatedly buys a product from a specific company regardless of price or
convenience. These customers believe that the product is superior if made by that certain
brand. If a brand loyal customer finds that their favorite brand is out of stock, they probably
won’t purchase anything at all. I’m brand loyal when it comes to a lot of things: Shampoo, cat
litter, cigarillos, ect. If I get to a PetSmart and can’t find the brand of litter I like, I will go to
another PetSmart or Pets Barn to find the brand I want.
2. I am 100% brand loyal to PlayStation. I choose to purchase PlayStation over Xbox and Nintendo
for a lot of reasons. I loved Nintendo as a kid; it was my first console ever, but their games have
remained kid oriented and we grew apart. I never gave Xbox a chance. I never owned an Xbox,
but I wanted to because of the games that were exclusive to Xbox like Gears of War and Halo. In
the beginning, I didn’t buy Xbox products because I was being loyal to PlayStation, but now I
choose Sony’s PlayStation over Microsoft’s Xbox because it has better resolution, better
controlling, and I feel that they cater to their customers’ needs more than Microsoft does. I
wouldn’t describe myself as being brand loyal to Disney. I purchase products from Disney, not
because I have any bond with the company, (I never even went to Disneyland), but because I
like the movies they are associated with. If Disney didn’t own Pixar or Marvel, I would still
purchase those products.
3. One way that an advertising campaign could convert me to being a brand loyal customer is
identifying an issue with the competitors, and then advertising how it doesn’t have the
problem/issue/ingredient that their competitors have. For example, I used to buy Tropicana
orange juice before I saw ads for Florida’s Natural orange juice that wasn’t from concentrate.
They got my loyalty by being a better product than their competition. If an advertiser can make
me feel like they created a product just for me, that could give them the edge when it comes to

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