Concussions and Mental Illnesses

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Running Head: Concussions and Mental Illnesses 1
Concussions and Mental Illnesses
By: Jerry King
Harrison College
Concussions and Mental Illnesses 2
Today I would like to educate everyone about very interesting and controversial topic in
the world of sports. Quick question does everyone know how many athletes suffer a concussion
in The United States? Well, the answer is about 300,000 athletes roughly a year suffer a
concussion. This controversial topic that I would like to talk about is concussions and what other
types of mental illnesses players can get from concussions. NFL players with concussions can
start develop many other mental Illnesses. Some of these Mental illnesses include Depression,
anger, and the disease called CTE.
I will be giving some background of the controversial topic of concussions. First, we will
start off about me describing what a concussion is. Concussion could be a very dangerous thing
to have and this will be explained further with some more information. “The medical definition
of a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injuryor TBIcaused by a bump, blow, or jolt to

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