chapter 1 key concepts

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 556
subject School New Jersey City University
subject Course 604 behavior disorders in childern

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Chapter 1 key concepts.
1. People in every culture have ideas about what causes disturbing human behavior. They
try to link presumed cause to procedures that they assume will eliminate, control, or
prevent such behavior. Pg. 5 paragraph 1
2. Human behavior involves neurophysiological mechanism. This is, a person can’t
perceive, think, or act without a central nervous system. Pg. 6
3. The psychoeducational model shows concern for unconscious motivations and
underlying conflicts, yet also stresses the realistic demands of everyday functioning in
school, home and community. A basic assumption of the psychoeducational model is that
teachers must understand unconscious motivation if they are to deal most effectively with
academic failure and misbehavior. Pg. 7
4. An ecological model is based on concepts in ecological psychology and community
psychology. In its early years, the approach also drew on the model of European
educateurs, who work with youngsters in their homes and communities as well as their
schools. Pg. 8
5. Nearly any maladaptive behavior is viewed as an inappropriate learned response to given
circumstances; therefore, intervention should consist of rearranging antecedent evets and
consequences to teach more adequate behavior. A behavioral model derives from the
work of behavioral psychologists. Pg. 8
6. The challenge we face is choosing or constructing a defensible theory and using
consistently to evaluate alternative conceptual models. More simply, the challenge is to

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