Carter Case 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 2
subject Words 670
subject School Illinois Institute Of Technolo
subject Course HRM

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Carter Cleaning Company: A Question of Discrimination
Q.1. Is it true, as Jack Carter claims, that “we can’t be accused of being discriminatory
because we hire mostly women and minorities anyway”?
No, that is not true. Because of the questions they are asking, they could still face discriminatory
suits because of the nature of the questions. The phrase, “two wrongs don’t make a right comes to
mind”, just because they are hiring minorities and women does not make the company in the clear.
Also, they could face reverse discrimination by only hiring women and minorities. Although Jack may
think hiring mostly women and minorities are not discriminatory actions, they can very well be
discriminatory to another group of people. It is not wise to hire and specific one group of people.
Employers need to be more diverse as it relates to equal employment and employment law.
Q.2. How should she and her company address the sexual harassment charges and
As the book told us, companies should face them head on, taking reports seriously. There should not
be any question of “if” the employee is telling the truth. As I learned, the company is essentially at
fault until proven otherwise. Jennifer needs to first document the complaints from both ladies. Then
she needs to find out if there are any witnesses. She also needs to find out how long the harassment
has been going on and how often it occurred (daily, weekly, monthly). Carter Cleaning should begin
implementing a clear and loud statement on company policies concerning sexual harassment, and to
further prevent any other similar scenarios, a strong policy statement should be released that
describes prohibited conduct, assures non-retaliation protection, and allows to have a confidential
complaint process. All managers and supervisors should be formally trained to be aware of

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