Business Ethics BA 225Business

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BA 225
Business Ethics
Weekly summary for week 7
Ziyuan Li
In this week, we have learned the implications of actions from HR environment,
and the ethical challenges in workplace. Actually discrimination should not be
practiced in any organization due to which many conflicts arise at work place.
Equal importance should be given to the employees of all ages, color, creed, and
gender. But it is not followed in the organizations to the most extent. It is
acceptable of necessary to allocate or permit for the respective group of people in
the society in the organization. Neglecting the skills, abilities and performances
of the others to help some other persons who are not capable enough is
supposed to be the bad practice of discrimination. Once who is eligible should
not be suffered for the reason of not being the color, creed or gender of the same.
So, there are some instances where the discrimination should be shown and
some situations where is should not.

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