BUS 899

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Test-retest reliability refers to consistency of results over time.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Test-retest reliability refers to consistency of results over time. If a performance measure
lacks test-retest reliability, determining whether an employee's performance has truly
changed over time will be impossible.[/membership]
For human resource practices to be considered ethical, they must result in the greatest good
for the largest number of people.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
For human resource practices to be considered ethical, they must result in the greatest good
for the largest number of people. They must respect basic human rights of privacy, due
process, consent and free speech, and treat employees and customers equitably and fairly.
Contrary to public perception, services industries such as finance, insurance, and real
estate have higher union representation than manufacturing.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Services industries such as finance, insurance, and real estate have lower union
representation than manufacturing.
Achievement tests assess how well a person can acquire skills and abilities
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Aptitude tests assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities.
Performance management is the process through which managers ensure that employees'
activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Performance management is the process through which managers ensure that employees'
activities and outputs contribute to the organization's goals. Effective performance
management can tell top performers that they are valued, encourage communication
between managers and their employees, establish uniform standards for evaluating
employees, and help the organization identify its strongest and weakest performers.
The term external labor market refers to the:
A. contract workers in the organization.
B. current employees of the organization.
C. individuals who are actively seeking employment.
D. employees who have direct contact with customers.
E. employees of the immediate competitors of the organization.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
The external labor market consists of individuals who are actively seeking employment.
A vehicle manufacturing company decides to hire 35 employees for its new servicing
branch located in Texas. A total of 90 eligible applicants apply for the job of which 50 are
white and 40 are black. Assuming that the company decides to hire 25 whites and 10
blacks, what can be inferred using the four-fifths rule?A. 0.5<0.8, this indicates that there
is no evidence of discrimination.
B. 20.8, this indicates that there is evidence of discrimination.
C. The hiring rate for blacks is equal to four-fifth the hiring rate of whites; hence there is
no evidence of discrimination.
D. 0.5<0.8, this indicates that there is evidence of discrimination.
E. 20.8, this indicates that there is no evidence of discrimination.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Four-fifths rule finds evidence of discrimination, if an organization’s hiring rate for a
minority group is less than four-fifths the hiring rate for the majority group.[/membership]
Peer review is an example of _____.
A.alternative dispute resolution
B.employee assistance programs
C.outplacement counseling
D.fair representation
E.employee carve-out
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Peer review is an example of alternative dispute resolution.
Realistic job previews:
A. are proven to "inoculate" employees against the negative features of a job.
B. have a weak and inconsistent effect on turnover.
C. exaggerate the positive qualities of vacancies and downplay their negative qualities.
D. lead to unmet job expectations and high employee turnover.
E. are the most effective at helping organizations minimize turnover among new
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Many studies have looked at how well realistic job previews —background information
about jobs' positive and negative qualities—can get around this problem and help
organizations minimize turnover among new employees. On the whole, the research
suggests that realistic job previews have a weak and inconsistent effect on turnover.
Which of the following is a challenge associated with outsourcing strategy?
A. Labor shortage
B. Increased cost
C. Quality-control problems
D. Lack of necessary technology
E. Diseconomies of scale
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Outsourcing may be a necessary way to operate as efficiently as competitors, but it does
pose challenges. Quality-control problems, security violations, and poor customer service
have sometimes wiped out the cost savings attributed to lower wages.[/membership]
During an organizing campaign:
A.the unions determine who is eligible to vote.
B.the union is automatically recognized if at least 30 percent of employees agree.
C.the NLRB conducts a secret-ballot election if only 30 to 50 percent of employees signed
D.only one union can appear on the ballot.
E.the employer cannot participate in any of the proceedings.
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
For the organization process to continue, at least 30 percent of the employees must sign an
authorization card. If over half the employees sign an authorization card, the union may
request that the employer voluntarily recognize the union. If the employer agrees, the
NLRB certifies the union as the exclusive representative of employees. If the employer
refuses, or if only 30 to 50 percent of employees signed cards, the NLRB conducts a
secret-ballot election.
Which of the following is true about job performance tests?
A. They provide fair evaluations for applicants.
B. They have the lowest level of validity compared to other tests.
C. These tests are highly generalizable.
D. Customization of these tests for various jobs is inexpensive.
E. They are best suited for identifying the particular skills or traits the individual
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
Job performance tests have the advantage of giving applicants a chance to show what they
can do, which leads them to feel that the evaluation was fair.[/membership]
The _____ is a federal law that requires employers to permit employees or their
dependents to extend their health insurance coverage at group rates for up to 36 months
following a qualifying event, such as a layoff, reduction in hours, or the employee’s
death.A.Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
B.Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
C.Social Security Act
D.Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
E.Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Answer:[membership level="2,3,4,5"]
The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 requires
employers to permit employees to extend their health insurance coverage at group rates for

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