Buisness Communication

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C x.Jordan Davis
Public speaking
Topic: organic food
Specific purpose- to inform my classmates what is organic food how its made etc.
Central idea- when you go to a store and see the organic aisle, but then you wonder how it got there
and why it cost so much more than regular food.
You walk into Publix and you see two chickens laying side by side but one chickens is $3.00 and weighing
in at 6 pounds, then you see a chicken weighing in at 2 pounds and is 8 dollars right next to it but has a
organically raised on the label so you get to thinking well what does organically raised mean and why is
it so expensive compared to the other chicken that is bigger, then you might ask do I benefit from eating
the organic one vs the regular chicken, and lastly how is this animal raised compared to other chickens
vs what it is fed and its living arrangements.
1.What is organic food? Or what separates organic food from non-organic food? Food grown or raised
without the use of additives, coloring, synthetic chemicals (e.g., fertilizers, pesticides, hormones),
radiation, or genetic manipulation and meeting criteria of the U.S.D.A. Standard National Organic

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