Benghazi the Truth

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Rinaldi 1
Devin Rinaldi
Ms. Susana Falcon
ENC 1101 TR 8AM
Benghazi: The Truth behind it all
Since September 11th, 2001 there has been countless attacks on American outposts, military
bases, undercover hidden bases. There is one specific attack though that happened in Benghazi
and our government did nothing about it. Many Americans do not know what happened in
Benghazi, but that will all change after the truth and the decision making behind the political
figures involved in this incident are unveiled.
The planning for this attack that took place in Benghazi in 2012 took numerous months of
preparation from the terrorists and the government was aware there was a threat level for an
attack on September 11, 2012. With all this information the government still allowed American
Ambassador Chris Stevens to go to Benghazi with only a small security team with him and a
group of 6 CIA security contractors as a back up a mile away at a top-secret CIA covert base.
The Attack begins on September 11th, 2012 at approximately 9:40 at night a large group of
militants who are heavily armed storm the front gate of the diplomatic outpost that is holding
American Ambassador Chris Stevens.
Rinaldi 2
At 10:00 pm the Libyan extremists had completely gained entrance into the compound and
started firing on the main building that had three personal in at the time ambassador Chris
Stevens, a regional body guard, and IT specialists Sean Smith. At this time the terrorists have set
the building on fire that is holding ambassador Chris Stevens. At this point the CIA Security
operators have just arrived at the outpost have started their search for the members inside the
burning building. The regional body guard had made it out the building, and the CIA security
operators had pulled out the body of IT specialists Sean Smith he had passed away. No one could
find the body of ambassador Chris Stevens at this time.
When it hit a little after 10:30pm the CIA operators became under heavy fire from the Libyan
terrorists as it was an ambush. When this happened, the operators regrouped and returned to their
base called the “annex” because they knew that their base was next on the list to be attacked.

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