BADM 101

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The company I will be covering is Nike, Inc. Nike sells many different athletic apparel
ranging anywhere from shoes to head-bands. Since this is what Nike sells they tend to
have a target market of active people. Along with them being active people, they are also
people who want high-quality sportswear, especially footwear. Their clothing is going to
be more expensive than something you would buy at Walmart, but also a much higher
quality. These high quality items can be seen on billboards, commercials, or in windows of
show stores. These different ways of advertising trigger the first part of the consumer
decision process which is, “need recognition." When you see a commercial for different
brands of sportswear, this can lead to the consumer thinking that they need more
sportswear, whether it is shoes, shorts, shirts, etc. The next step is “information search,"
which means that you inform yourself internally or externally about sportswear. Many
consumers would start noticing what brand of sportswear other people wear, especially on
those people that are considered “cool" and “hip." After the information search, the next
step is “evaluation of alternatives." In this step you would evaluate the different brands and
prices of sportswear like Nike, Under Armour, Puma, etc. The next step is “purchase
decision." In this step you would decide that you are going to purchase Nike sportswear
because it is your best dollar for the quality. The final step in the consumer decision
process is “postpurchase behavior." This last step is how you feel a couple days after you

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