Austin Watches

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br />Austin Watches is a start-up watch producer and distribution company. Its strategy is
to serve the upscale niche markets of the watch industry. It will capitalize on the German
engineering and manufacturing used to build the watches. There are many untapped
potential markets within this industry that desire high-quality, stylish goods, but do not
think they can afford them or do not know where to purchase them.
It is the firms intention to build and export its products to the United States and to make
Austin Watches the number one selling European watch in the Western U.S. To do this the
companys long-term goals are to achieve a 20% market share in the U.S, build brand
image and brand equity through marketing, achieve a sustainable 55% profit margin, and
eventually produce luxury watches in addition to the initial, moderately-priced line.
Austin Watches is a watch company that produces wristwatches for sale in the United
States - initially in California. The company will build its image, as a quality watch first,
and then will begin selling higher profit, luxury watches.
Austin Watches sells quality watches and provides excellent customer service for
customers seeking a reliable watch. In the future Austin Watches intends to enter the
luxury watch market
The Company and Ownership
Austin Watches is a privately owned international corporation. Production takes place in
Germany and sales and marketing are focused in California, United States, for the
short-term future.
Ownership is divided among three principal individuals who are putting up the initial
investment. These include: Franz Austin- head of production department, HenryWinston -

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