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View of Employee
The view of the employee is normally a research process in which we find out the
background behind how they treat their employees and the benefits or issues that AT&T
might provide in their package of employment. I have the pleasure of using my own
experience through hiring, benefits, surpluses, and much more to understand the
mechanics of how AT&T works behind scenes. As a former employee sometimes people
can become bitter of their previous jobs but I, myself can conclude that I am nor bitter or
hurt and truthfully blessed to have had the opportunity to work for such a great company.
AT&T is by far not the easiest to work for but it does hold some great benefits at hand.
When I first began working for AT&T, I was unaware of what a Union was and then
quickly realized the benefits behind it. AT&T is the only cell phone carrier that is carried
by a Union for their Retail Sales Consultants. Management and above including corporate
staff is not included in this mix. The basis of the Union is to ensure that everyone is
provided a fair work experience and if any employee disagrees with this can hold a trial for
their disagreements to ensure that everyone is treated equally. What this means is for
example, if you are coming in late to work every day and the manager decides it is time to
write you up for this, you can object if you feel that your job is threatened. In this sense,
the Union representation will then review all of the records for the store and if there are
more individuals showing up late and not receiving a write up as well, then your possible
write up can now become thrown out for your benefit and the benefit of the Union’s fair
acts. This process has obviously saved many employees and which Florida’s rule of
employment at will, this is a great crutch to fall on for job security. While the Union was
not only a huge benefit, so was the actual benefit’s system put in place. As an AT&T
employee, you receive a 401K, health and medical benefits, and FMLA benefits. Retail at
times can become gruesome but many companies do not offer a livable package to ensure
job security and health accidental issues. When I was 2 and half years into working for
AT&T, I got in a bad car accident that left me handicap to walk for months. I broke my

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