Assignment 2

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subject Words 246
subject School Florida International Universi
subject Course Ant 3241

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Iten 1
Lauren Iten
Professor Akkaya
Myth Assignment 2
1. In Malinowski’s Article he talks about myth and cultural forces. He links connections
between myths and religions as well. The myths created help to maintain religions which helps
keep societies moving. People want something to believe in that will help shape their lives and
this is what religious myths do. They give them a sort of faith in something and help them to
determine what it is morally right and wrong.
2. Today religious myths influence people everyday. Some may say that religion is a
myth or some religions are myths. Lots of Christians believe in the story of how the world was
created. This is a religious myth and people follow it to this day. Some believe in supernatural
forces such as ghosts and will not stay in certain places because they are haunted or go to certain
places with ghost presence.

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