Are Prescriptions Meds The Best Route For Adhd

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subject School San Juan College
subject Course Eng 1110

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Jessica Heald
Dr. Janet Peterson
English 1120
April 26, 2020
Are Prescription Medications the Only Answer for ADHD?
Experience and observation have shown me that prescription medications are typically
suggested by physicians, as a front-line treatment option for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a behavioral disorder that occurs largely in children and includes
symptoms such as poor concentration, hyperactivity, and impulsivity Alternative methods and
therapies such as brain training are proving beneficial for ADHD. Additionally, alternative
methods such as brain training, change in diet, behavioral and cognitive therapy, vitamins,
exercise, and meditation are frequently without the uncomfortable side effects of conventional
When there is an initial diagnosis of ADHD in children, immediately discusses medication
options. They may do a quick suggestion of therapy, but their focus is the medication.
Physicians will tell you that the prescribed medication is the front line to improving the
behavior of your child. Stimulants appear to boost, and balance levels of brain chemicals called
neurotransmitters. These medications help improve the signs and symptoms of inattention and
hyperactivity sometimes effectively in a short period of time(Staff).
It would great to be given options that had minimum risks or no side effects that benefit
a child so much more than the options that have negative side effects. Unfortunately, it is hard
to find a doctor that will stray a little from conventional medications and recommend or even
know anything about some of these options.
Let’s talk about brain training for instance. Brain training includes Neurofeedback (EEG)
that consists of connecting wires to your head to monitor your brain waves and is then used to
train your brain impulse control. Through trial-and-error learning, subjects learn to regulate
and change their brain activity in a desired direction.(Baumeister) With the proper research
and studies of this technique, it could offer promising results for families. There is also a
technique that involves gaming. Children with ADHD have a hard time focusing but when it
comes to games, they have an incredible focus. Perhaps it is the graphics that are involved or
the fact that they do not have enough time for their minds to wander or they will lose whatever
type of mission on the game they are doing. Research suggests that motivational problems can
decrease the effects of EF training in children with ADHD. However, gamification of an EF
training or task (e.g., by using game mechanics and visuals) has been found to optimize both
motivation and training-effects in children with ADHD(Dovis). Gamification increases striatal
dopamine, which is known to increase both motivation and the ability to learn, this is a positive
thing to consider when looking at treatment for kids with mental disorders. Having to focus and
learn are never ending battles they will have to manage their entire lives as life is indeed a
constant learning field. Those that suffer from ADHD deserve opportunity to manage the
difficulties they face and since they seem to be able to focus on games, we should allow them
to not only have fun while playing them but also benefit from something good.
The Center for Disease Control offers a graph on their website providing a percentage
between 2007 and 2011 showing state by state numbers of kids on prescription medication for
ADHD. The percentage in each state is high. In 2007 only 3 states fell below half of the
diagnosed children medicated, those states are Alaska at 40.7%, yet they jump up to 58.6% in
2011; California was at 49.1% and jumped to 55.8%; Nevada was at 33.3% and jumped to 47.0%
being the only state to stay below half of the diagnosed kids being medicated. (Center for
Disease Control) Some of the states hit high percentages that fall above 70% of the kids taking
prescriptions. Here is where is becomes a bit alarming, these numbers are for kids based on
diagnosis AND treatment. The Center for Disease Control website shows us that there are kids
being treated without a diagnosis. This means that because a kid shows some type of symptom,
they are being medicated without going through the proper steps of being diagnosed. When we
take this information in, we need to stop and think that before putting these kids with no

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