Anneusers-busch Microbreweries Monopoly

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 833
subject School houston Community college
subject Course microeconomics

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Ricardo Salazar
Economics 2302
Research Paper
December 4th, 2017
Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Beer monopoly
After the merger the big Belgium beer conglomerate Interbrew, AmBev Brazil’s largest
alcohol producer, and Anheuser-Busch the largest brewery of the well-known brands such as,
Budweiser, Bud Light, Michelob, Modelo, and many others. This acquisition created “Anheuser-
Busch Inbev, by now considered the largest beer producer in the world, with over 55 billion
dollars in revenue for the year 2017 alone. The company is expected to have an estimated global
market share of 28 percent. But despite being at the top of the mountain, their share price have
been plummeting since the beginning of October of this year up until mid-November, dropping a
total of 1.12 percent respectively.

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