Adolescent Risk-taking Behavior

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As I grew through my adolescent phase I do realize now that the changes in cognition
totally took place within my life. I often find myself going to think about the bigger picture
instead of being a tunnel vision and only seeing things through the next day not really what the
future would hold by making these decisions. I started to make more responsible decisions by
thinking what will this do for my life rather how will it make me feel in the moment. When I was
younger I really never understood when to let my anger show or when to keep to myself because
the situation did not warrant that amount of attention. So I went to a time when every time I had
an issue or some type of situation I never thought about my reaction toward the situation. I did
not care whether the outcome was negative or positive. By applying logical reasoning to the
situation I was able to plan ahead and make sure that the finishing result was most positive for
me as well as the corresponding party.

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