Accident of evolution allows fungi to thrive in our bodies

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Name: Thuong Nguyen
Class: Cell Major 221
The article that I read named “Accident of evolution allows fungi to
thrive in our bodies”. It was written by Jennifer Frazer. In this article, I learn
that Cryptococcal is a kind of fungi and it have evolved mechanisms for
eluding their protest predators, giving them an inadvantage over look-alike
immune cells in humans, porpoises and other mammals. Unlike the vast
majority of fungi, it can survive at 37 degrees Celsius-human body
temperature. And it has a tough “polysaccharide coat that helps prevent it
from drying out in the environment but also helps protect it from
macrophages”. This information was presented clearly and they also give
some example about experiments they have done before. The most interesting
information that I found in this article is “when Cryptococcus kills it's
generally because such a brain infection has happened, and this fungi can
survive at high temperature.
In class, I learn about structure and different kind of fungi include
Coccal fungi. So there are a small part may relate to this article but I still
choose this article because I think I can find out some new information about
fungi. I would recommend this article to my classmates because they might
find some interesting information or they want to learn more about fungi.
Truly, I just understand this article about 50 percent. There were some of
vocabulary too technical for me and I never learn about it before. For
example: amoebas, engulfing, macrophages, Legionella pneumophila,
accidental virulence…I tried to find the information about Cryptococcal but

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