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Kinsey 1
Jeremiah Kinsey
ENC 1102
Spring 2019
April 9, 2018 Response to Articles from The Atlantic
Roundtable Discussion #9: American Democracy & Political Culture p1
Article 1
Although kids tend to be disruptive sometimes, it is not right to have legal consequences such as
getting arrested just because they are being kids. The injustices against black students are wrong
on so many levels. For example, in South Carolina among other states, you have students being
arrested for a so-called disruption of class. I think this a totally bogus law and is just another way
for the government to keep control over all humans. You have someone like Niya Kenny who
was arrested just because of her speaking her mind (First Amendment) about the unnecessary
force that one of her school’s police officers was using against her classmate. For a girl like
Kenny to be arrested for doing the right thing by standing up for what is right is crazy and unjust.
Then you have a 13-year-old from New Mexico who was arrested just because he burped. This is
just ridiculous even thinking about it. I think that authorities should just let kids be kids and
allow kids to make mistakes that kids make. If they do end up making those mistakes don’t arrest
them and ruin their record but guide them in a better direction to keep them from making the
same mistake because arresting them only makes the behavior worst and does more harm than
Article 2

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