SED EM 34415

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1487
subject Authors Gerald Corey

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The technique whereby the analyst explains the meaning of certain behavior is known
a. transference.
b. rationalization.
c. countertransference.
d. interpretation.
_is built on the premise that it is essential to consider the social, cultural, and political
context that contributes to a person's problems in order to understand that person.
a. Social justice
b. Gender perspective
c. Political context
d. Feminist counseling
Which approach assumes that a family can best be understood when it is analyzed from
at least a three-generational perspective?
a. Bowenian family therapy
b. Human validation process model
c. Social constructionism
d. Strategic family therapy
It is especially important for counselors who work with culturally diverse client
populations to do all of the following, except:
a. be aware of their own cultural heritage.
b. have a broad base of counseling techniques that can be employed with flexibility.
c. not consider the cultural context of their clients in determining what interventions are
d. examine their own assumptions about cultural values.
Psychotherapy is a process of engagement between two people, both of whom are
bound to change through the therapeutic venture.
a. True
b. False
The general goals of counselors must be congruent with the personal goals of the client.
a. True
b. False
The_sets forth the goals of the therapeutic process and specifies the responsibilities of
both therapist and client.
a. early recollections
b. private logic
c. therapeutic contract
d. therapeutic goal
Which of the following is not true about the most recent trends in person-centered
a. It could be referred to as holistic therapy.
b. Acceptance and clarification are the main techniques used.
c. It emphasizes an increased involvement of the therapist as a person.
d. It allows the therapist greater freedom to be active in the therapeutic relationship.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) integrates techniques from:
a. multimodal therapy and mindfulness.
b. mindfulness-based stress reduction and cognitive behavior therapy.
c. motivational interviewing and mindfulness.
d. yoga, systematic desensitization, and mindfulness.
The existential vacuum represents a place of reflection and solace.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not a key concept of the person-centered approach?
a. The focus is on experiencing the immediate moment.
b. In a climate of safety in the therapeutic session, the client comes to realize that there
are more authentic ways of being.
c. The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy.
d. The focus is on exploration of a client's past.
The correct components of the A-B-C theory of personality are:
a. antecedent, behavior, consequences.
b. activating events, behaviors, cognitions.
c. antecedent, belief, cognitions.
d. activating event, belief, consequence.
Which of the following is not a method of increasing effectiveness in working with
diverse client populations?
a. Learn about how your own cultural background has influenced your thinking and
b. Realize that practicing from a multicultural perspective will probably make your job
very difficult
c. Be flexible in applying techniques with clients
d. Identify your basic assumptions pertaining to diversity
Donald Meichenbaum is a prominent contributor to the development of cognitive
behavior therapy.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following approaches would contend that normal personality development
depends on the successful resolution of specific stages of development?
a. Narrative therapy
b. Family systems therapy
c. Psychoanalytic therapy
d. Solution-focused therapy
Which of the following approaches to therapy is especially well suited for the initial
phases of crisis intervention work?
a. Reality therapy
b. Person-centered therapy
c. Psychoanalytic therapy
d. Solution-focused brief therapy
In the ABC model, the A stands for:
a. arbitrary behaviors.
b. antecedents.
c. actions.
d. assessment.
We create, maintain, and live by often_that we hope will keep the family (and each of
its members) functional.
a. the use of bibliotherapy
b. differentiation of the self
c. agreed upon rules
d. unspoken rules and routines
In the solution-oriented approach, which is notconsidered one of the three basic parts to
the structure of summary feedback?
a. Compliments
b. A bridge
c. Expressing concern
d. Suggesting a task
Dr. Kane pointed out to her client John that his feelings of inadequacy at work seem
reminiscent of the feelings he experienced in his family of origin. It is probable that Dr.
Kane was:
a. crossing theoretical boundaries by referring to John's past.
b. looking for continuity by paying attention to themes running through John's life.
c. trying to get John to tap into the unconscious realm by having him explore painful
memories related to his family of origin.
d. hoping her intervention would promote transference, which could then be worked
Francesca, a cognitive behavioral therapist, likes to give homework assignments to her
clients. What might her rationale be for doing this?
a. Homework can be a vehicle for assisting her clients in putting into action what they
are learning in therapy.
b. By assigning homework to her clients, she establishes her clear authority over them
(as if she is their teacher).
c. She is probably a novice therapist who is insecure about her skills; thus, by assigning
homework, she may feel like she is being more productive.
d. In order to be reimbursed by insurance companies, Francesca is required to give her
clients homework assignments.
Personcentered therapy is a(n):
a. actionoriented approach to therapy.
b. humanistic approach to therapy.
c. existential approach to therapy.
d. deterministic approach to therapy.
Which of the following approaches is leastlikely to be applied to short-term crisis
a. Existential therapy
b. Person-centered therapy
c. Reality therapy
d. Psychoanalytic therapy
_is designed to evaluate and to improve the quality and effectiveness of counseling
a. Session Rating Scale
b. Outcome Rating Scale
c. Income Rating Scale
d. Feedback-informed treatment
From the existential viewpoint, anxiety is seen as a neurotic manifestation; thus the aim
of therapy is to eliminate anxiety so clients can live comfortably.
a. True
b. False
Which one of the following is not considered an experiential and relationship-oriented
a. Gestalt therapy
b. Family systems therapy
c. Existential approach
d. Person-centered approach
The founder(s) of solution-focused brief therapy is (are):
a. Michael White and David Epston.
b. Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer.
c. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck.
d. Donald Meichenbaum.
Congruence is a basic characteristic of effective therapists.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following would an Adlerian therapist particularly value?
a. Interpretation of dreams
b. Confronting the ways the client is living dependently since early childhood
c. Modeling of communication and acting in good faith
d. Helping the client to work through the transference neurosis
A key technique of Adlerian therapy is:
a. free association.
b. dialogue with polarities.
c. family sculpting.
d. the assessment of one's family constellation.
There are three kinds of solution-focused therapeutic relationships. The client comes to
therapy because someone else (a spouse, parent, teacher, or probation officer) thinks the
client has a problem describes which relationship?
a. Customer
b. Complaint
c. Visitor
d. Shopper
The technique of intensifying experiences and integrating conflicting feelings is
associated with:
a. Gestalt therapy.
b. person-centered therapy.
c. existential therapy.
d. reality therapy.
Who was the Danish philosopher that addressed the role of anxiety and uncertainty in
a. Medard Boss
b. JeanPaul Sartre
c. Soren Kierkegaard
d. Martin Buber
One point of disagreement between existential and humanistic thought involves:
a. a respect for the client's subjective experience.
b. a trust in the capacity of the client to make positive choices.
c. an emphasis on freedom.
d. the idea of an innate self-actualizing drive.

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