Biology 90170

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 2253
subject Authors Eric J. Simon, Jane B. Reece, Jean L. Dickey, Kelly A. Hogan

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Please read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Michigan's Isle Royale is an island located in Lake Superior that is 45 miles long and 9
miles wide. Ecologists estimate that the moose population on the island has been there
since around 1900. The wolf population on the island, on the other hand, has been there
only since the winter of 1949. Weather conditions had to be calm and cold enough for
the lake to freeze and the first wolves to make the passage over to the island. When the
wolves arrived, they were greeted with a large moose population that had no predators.
The moose population was at a dangerously high level, but was kept in check by the
arrival of the wolves. This "harmonious" pattern continued for at least 20 years.
In 1982, the wolf population suddenly crashed. The problem was a new canine virus.
This virus surfaced around the world in 1978 and spread rapidly in about 6 months.
Infected animals can survive, but they have to be treated immediately. Ecologists
hypothesized that the virus arrived on the island carried on the shoe of a human traveler.
The wolf population decreased from 50 to 14 individuals in a year. While the wolf
population dropped, the moose population increased. However, the winter of 1996 was
extremely harsh and the moose population experienced a major crash. More than 500
animals died during the winter months, reducing the population to less than 800
What most likely happened when the wolves first arrived on the island?
A) The wolf population increased exponentially.
B) The wolf population was at its carrying capacity.
C) The moose population crashed because of the introduction of a predator.
D) The moose population increased exponentially.
According to the diagram above, after a vasectomy (within the scrotal sac), ________.
A) secretions from the prostate can no longer reach the urethra
B) secretions from the seminal vesicles can no longer reach the urethra
C) secretions from the sperm duct can no longer reach the urethra
D) sperm from the testes can no longer reach the urethra
Human muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation to ________.
A) produce more ATP than is possible through complete aerobic respiration
B) produce ATP using the electron transport chain
C) regenerate NADH
D) produce ATP without O2
Which of the following is the waxy coating secreted on leaves and most stems?
A) cuticle
B) lignin
C) endodermis
D) epidermis
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Over the past 60 years, many amphibian species have experienced significant
population declines, and some species have become extinct. Scientists suspected that
local human activities such as the destruction of wetlands, regional pollution, and
deforestation were the main reasons for these losses. However, research over the past 20
years reveals significant amphibian population declines in protected areas of the world,
such as nature preserves and parks. These global declines suggest widespread problems
including increased ultraviolet radiation, acid rain, and disease. In Switzerland, for
example, 14 of the 20 native amphibian species are threatened with extinction.
Some biologists urge the collection of the few remaining individuals of some of the
most threatened amphibian species in order to preserve them if they become extinct in
the wild. If such captive-breeding programs could produce thousands of individuals
from just a few of the remaining survivors, the species will still be threatened because
of ________.
A) a bottleneck effect
B) directional selection
C) mutations
D) artificial selection
During a race such as a marathon, the skeletal muscle cells in your legs use a lot of
energy to continually contract and power your muscles. What organelle is most likely
abundant in skeletal muscle cells?
A) mitochondria
B) Golgi apparatus
C) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D) rough endoplasmic reticulum
In an operon, the ________ acts as an on/off switch.
A) operator
B) promoter
C) activator
D) repressor
Which enzyme is used to bind DNA fragments together?
A) restriction enzyme
B) lysozyme
C) DNA ligase
D) DNA polymerase
Most humans need about ________ kcal per day.
A) 500-700
B) 1,300-1,800
C) 2,500-3,000
D) 20,000-30,000
The CORRECT sequence of stages of mitosis is ________.
A) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
B) telophase, prophase, anaphase, metaphase
C) anaphase, interphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase
D) interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
What name is given to the following reaction?
glycerol + 3 fatty acids → triglyceride + 3 water molecules
A) glycolysis
B) hydrolysis
C) hydrogenation
D) dehydration
Please read the following paragraph and then answer the following questions.
Birth control methods act at many points in the reproductive cycle. Some options, such
as birth control pills, are highly effective at preventing pregnancy. However, only a few
commonly available methods are effective at preventing the transmission of sexually
transmitted disease (STD). The Center for Disease Control estimates that each year
about 10 million new STD infections strike people ages 15 to 24.
Which of the following birth control methods provides the most effective protection
against pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease for sexually active people?
A) the pill
B) latex condoms
C) a diaphragm
D) the rhythm method
What do the vitamins biotin and Vitamin K have in common?
A) They are both water-soluble vitamins.
B) They are both obtained from meat.
C) They are both produced by intestinal bacteria.
D) They are both common deficiencies in the human diet.
The four stages of food processing are, in order ________.
A) ingestion, absorption, elimination, digestion
B) ingestion, elimination, digestion, absorption
C) ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination
D) digestion, absorption, ingestion, elimination
Most plants rely on bacteria to supply them with a usable form of which of the
following substances?
A) nitrogen
B) carbon dioxide
C) water
D) amino acids
Homologous chromosomes ________.
A) carry genes controlling the same inherited characteristics
B) include only the autosomes
C) are a set of chromosomes that the cell received from one parent
D) carry the same versions of all genes
When body temperature is too low, which of the following occurs?
A) Blood vessels in the skin constrict.
B) Muscles relax.
C) Sweat glands are activated.
D) Blood vessels at the body surface dilate and fill with blood.
Reabsorption is the movement of substances from the ________ to the ________.
A) blood... nephron
B) filtrate... blood
C) kidney... urinary bladder
D) blood... filtrate
Involuntary muscle includes ________.
A) skeletal muscle only
B) smooth muscle only
C) smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
D) smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and some skeletal muscle
Which of the following generally makes skeletal muscle different from both smooth and
cardiac muscle?
A) Skeletal muscles are made of cells called "fibers."
B) Skeletal muscle cannot be contracted voluntarily.
C) Skeletal muscle can be contracted voluntarily.
D) Skeletal muscle cells have nuclei.
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Different species of bacteria are resistant to different types of antibiotics. For example,
one species of bacteria may be resistant to an antibiotic that targets bacterial ribosomes
but may not be resistant to a different antibiotic that targets bacterial cell walls. In order
to figure out what type of antibiotic(s) to which a species of bacteria was resistant, a
researcher treated the bacteria with four different antibiotics (A, B, C, and D) and
measured how many bacteria were alive over the course of a few weeks. The data that
she collected are summarized below.
The bacteria show the greatest resistance to which antibiotic?
A) Antibiotic A
B) Antibiotic B
C) Antibiotic C
D) Antibiotic D
Nucleic acids are polymers of ________ monomers.
A) monosaccharide
B) fatty acid
D) nucleotide
Use the following information to answer the following questions.
In East Java, Indonesia, a mud volcano has been erupting since 2006. One controversial
hypothesis is that the mud volcano in East Java is erupting because a gas mining
company was drilling a deep hole nearby. When a mud volcano erupts, hot water deep
below the earth's surface mixes with various minerals, and this mud spews out over the
surface of the earth. The hot mud flow destroys organismal habitats, including the
homes and livelihoods of people.
When the mud volcano stops erupting, colonization of the disturbed area would be
A) primary succession if there is no biomass inside the area
B) primary succession if primary production relies on plants that survived the
C) secondary succession if there are no biotic components of the carbon cycle
D) secondary succession if there is no organic matter in the area
The shorter the wavelength of visible light, the ________.
A) less energy absorbed by photosynthetic pigments
B) redder the color
C) more photons it contains
D) greater the energy
Many cases of pediatric thyroid cancer occurred after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear
accident in Ukraine and the cause was traced to milk containing iodine-131. Which of
these might be the most effective method to prevent thyroid cancer increase following
exposure to excessive radiation?
A) Do not allow anyone to drink any milk.
B) Give dairy cows large doses of iodine.
C) Give humans large doses of iodine before exposure.
D) Give people large doses of iodine a few days following exposure.
If a strand of DNA has the sequence AAGCTC, transcription will result in a(n)
A) single RNA strand with the sequence TTCGAG
B) DNA double helix with the sequence AAGCTC for one strand and TTCGAG for the
complementary strand
C) single RNA strand with the sequence UUCGAG
D) RNA double helix with the sequence UUCGAG for one strand and AAGCUC for
the complimentary strand
If you separated the components of blood and looked closely at only the plasma, you
might find ________.
A) white blood cells
B) red blood cells
C) hormones
D) platelets
Which of the following is a nonsteroid hormone?
A) glucagon
B) a progestin
C) a glucocorticoid
D) androgen
How is it that the cells in different body tissues are able to perform different functions?
A) The cells exhibit different patterns of gene expression.
B) Different chromosomes have been inactivated in different cells.
C) The cells contain different genes.
D) The mutations that have accumulated in the cells of the different tissues control
Read the following scenario to answer the following questions.
Blood flowing away from the heart is under tremendous pressure, able to travel to just
about any portion of the body. However, blood pressure drops considerably as it moves
away from the heart. When blood finally reaches capillaries, the blood pressure drops to
nearly zero. Therefore, when a person is standing, blood returning from the feet is not
moved back towards the heart by contractions of the heart.
A scientist claimed that students might get better scores on written exams if they wiggle
their legs frequently while taking an exam. This could work (but it is not better than
studying) because wiggling legs might ________.
A) propel more blood from the legs back to the heart, increasing oxygen flow to the
B) add more oxygen to the blood that is returning to the heart
C) shake out more of the carbon dioxide that lingers in the blood returning to the heart
D) break up blood clots in the legs, which slow the movement of blood back to the
In order to assess the species diversity of a community, you would need to know the
number of different species present as well as ________.
A) the number of trophic levels in the community
B) the intensity of interspecific competition in the community
C) the fraction of these species that are plants
D) the relative abundance of the different species
What waste product do yeast produce under anaerobic conditions?
A) ethyl alcohol
B) pyruvic acid
C) lactic acid
D) creatine
How can radiation be controlled and safely used in medicine?
A) Apply radiation throughout the body at uncontrolled doses.
B) Apply radiation throughout the body at controlled doses.
C) Apply radiation to specific parts of the body at uncontrolled doses.
D) Apply radiation to specific parts of the body at controlled doses.
In the oceans, global warming has ________.
A) decreased the amount of oxygen available
B) benefited corals
C) made the water more basic
D) made the water more acidic
What name is given to bonds that involve the sharing of electrons?
A) covalent
B) hydrogen
C) ionic
D) polar

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