978-0078036774 Test Bank Chapter 11

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 2035
subject Authors Judith Martin, Thomas Nakayama

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CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
1. A perceived or real incompatibility of goals, values, expectations, or processes between two or
more interdependent parties is known as _____.
a. accommodation
b. compromise
c. conflict
d. ambiguity
2. Irwin is unsure of how to handle a conflict with his girlfriend, Wenshu. She wants to spend
their vacation with family, while he would like to take a trip to an exotic location. They haven't
argued, but Irwin is confused about how to resolve their different desires. Irwin is discovering
that there is a great deal of _____ in intercultural conflicts.
a. confrontation
b. ambiguity
c. mediation
d. pacifism
3. When individuals become aware that their feelings and emotions are incompatible, they are
most likely experiencing _____ conflict.
a. affective
b. value
c. cognitive
d. goal
4. Philip has decided to move in with his girlfriend. His parents are highly critical of his decision
because they feel that living together before marriage is morally unacceptable. Philip and his
parents are experiencing _____ conflict.
a. affective
b. value
c. cognitive
d. goal
5. A situation in which people have incompatible ideas about what the proper course of action
should be is often a(n) _____.
a. affective conflict
b. value conflict
CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
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c. cognitive conflict
d. conflict of interest
6. Ben and his wife, Jenny, have a disagreement over what kinds of investments they should
make for long-term financial security. Ben wants to invest more heavily in risky ventures, while
Jenny prefers more secure options such as compact disks or savings bonds. Ben and Jenny have
a(n) _____.
a. affective conflict
b. conflict of interest
c. cognitive conflict
d. goal conflict
7. When people disagree about a preferred outcome or end state, they are involved in _____
a. affective
b. value
c. cognitive
d. goal
8. Lisa and her roommate, Kristen, argue over how often they should clean their apartment.
Kristen doesn't mind things being out of place or an occasional sweater on the couch. Lisa,
however, prefers a more orderly environment in which everything is in its place. Lisa and
Kristen are experiencing _____.
a. affective conflict
b. value conflict
c. cognitive conflict
d. conflict of interest
9. When dealing with conflict, Julie concentrates on using very precise language, and though she
doesn't always feel comfortable with face-to-face conflict, she feels it's important to say what's
on her mind. Julie probably uses a(n) _____ approach to conflict.
a. indirect
b. expressive
c. restraint
d. direct
10. Ke Xian sees conflict as ultimately destructive for relationships, so he tends to use a(n)
_____ approach to conflict, which includes emphasis on vagueness and ambiguity in language
and often relying on third parties to help resolve disagreements.
a. indirect
b. expressive
CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
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c. restraint
d. direct
11. Marita thinks it is better to get angry rather than hide or suppress her feelings so that her
husband knows she really cares about the issue. Marita probably uses a(n) _____ approach to
a. direct
b. emotionally expressive
c. restraint
d. indirect
12. People who think of conflict as a threat to interpersonal and community harmony are likely
to use _____ and take a nonresistant response like avoidance or dealing with the conflict
a. pacifism
b. confrontation
c. avoidance
d. compromise
13. Jeong Hwa asked her friend, Su Lee, to talk to her roommate about playing her music too
loud late at night. Jeong Hwa probably uses a(n) _____ approach to conflict.
a. direct
b. emotionally expressive
c. restraint
d. indirect
14. Tammy, a Korean American, believes it is best to discuss issues in a calm manner. She thinks
that showing too much emotion can do more harm than good and so tries to make her
relationships stronger by keeping her emotions in check. Tammy most likely uses a(n) _____
approach to conflict.
a. direct
b. emotionally expressive
c. restraint
d. indirect
15. Abdul's most recent argument with his friend, Don, escalated from where they should have
dinner to a critique of Don's inability to make decisions. Abdul shared all of his frustrations
verbally and nonverbally so that Don would understand that he cared and just wanted to make a
change. Abdul probably used a(n) _____ conflict style.
a. direct
b. emotionally expressive
CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
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c. restraint
d. indirect
16. John strongly values his girlfriend, Celia, and he encourages her to try new things. When she
talks about going skydiving, he doesn't like the idea because he thinks it is too dangerous. John
keeps his emotions in check and tries to find a creative way to let Celia try new things. John is
probably using a(n) _____ approach to conflict in his relationship with Celia.
a. dynamic
b. direct
c. peacemaking
d. emotionally expressive
17. Kim is direct in her communication and uses discussion to solve conflict because she is
generally concerned with preserving her own self-esteem. Kim was probably raised in a(n)
_____ society.
a. collectivistic
b. direct
c. individualistic
d. expressive
18. Many gays and lesbians believe that their inability to marry legally is unjust and a clear case
of inequality, resulting from prejudice and discrimination. This would be an example of _____
a. international
b. social
c. economic
d. environmental
19. Jossette, a Native American, was pleased to hear that Arizona was renamed "Squaw Peak" to
honor a Native American woman who died in Iraq. For Jossette, that decision helped to settle
a(n) _____ conflict because she saw the word "squaw" as an insult to Native American women.
a. environmental
b. economic
c. historical
d. political
20. When people differ in ideologies on specific issues, such as spousal roles, they are most
likely engaged in a(n) _____ conflict.
a. value
b. cognitive
c. affective
CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
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d. goal
21. Donna is arguing with her girlfriend. "You never fill my car with gas when you use it. You
always just take me for granted." Donna's statements may be leading them to a(n) _____ conflict.
a. productive
b. destructive
c. social
d. economic
22. In _____ conflict, individuals focus on the original issue and try to identify the specific
a. productive
b. destructive
c. collectivist
d. individualist
23. Which of the following is NOT true of the conflict styles of people from individualistic
a. They tend to be more direct in their communication.
b. They tend to be more concerned with saving their own self-esteem.
c. They tend to emphasize extended families and loyalty to groups.
d. They tend to use more controlling, confrontational, and solution-oriented conflict styles.
24. Which is true of conflict in general?
a. Conflict is found primarily in individualist cultures.
b. Conflict is always viewed as destructive to relationships.
c. Men and women deal with conflict differently.
d. There are few cultural differences in how people from other cultures approach conflict.
25. In contrast to productive conflict, individuals and groups involved in destructive conflict:
a. stress on narrowing conflicts to specifics.
b. promote cooperative processes.
c. limit conflict to only the original issue.
d. encourage a competitive atmosphere.
26. In productive conflicts, individuals or groups:
a. stress on narrowing conflicts to specifics.
b. encourage a competitive atmosphere.
c. escalate conflict from the original problem.
d. polarize around leadership that is single-minded.
CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
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27. People who are comfortable with emotionally confrontational talk and view credibility of the
other person grounded in their degree of emotional expressiveness are most likely using a(n)
_____ of conflict resolution.
a. engagement style
b. dynamic style
c. accommodating style
d. discussion style
28. In the context of intergenerational conflict, Millenials differ from baby boomers Generation
Y in that Millennials _____ in jobs.
a. tend to be more work-obsessed
b. want less collaboration
c. tend to prefer autonomy
d. demand more flexible schedules
29. The _____ is a conflict resolution style that uses an indirect style of communicating along
with a more emotionally intense expressiveness.
a. discussion style
b. accommodating style
c. dynamic style
d. engagement style
30. Which of the following best defines the term peacebuilding?
a. It refers to working toward equilibrium and stability in a society so that new disputes do not
escalate into violence and war.
b. It refers to conversations that are slow, careful, full of feeling, respectful, and attentive.
c. It refers to a view that conflict should be dealt by hiding or suppressing feelings and emotions.
d. It refers to an opposition to the use of force under any circumstances.
31. Identify a true statement about facilitated intergroup dialogue.
a. Its focus is more on persuasion rather than on understanding.
b. Its first step involves building a collective vision for the future.
c. It is a direct conflict resolution style.
d. It involves the general population and civic leaders.
32. Religious conflict is generally nonviolent.
CHAPTER 11 Culture, Communication, and Conflict
33. Our families play a significant role in our choice of conflict style.
34. Mexican managers tend to be more indirect and more polite than U.S. managers in
expressing their disagreements.
35. Conflict strategies usually relate to how people manage self-image or identity in
36. Although a person with an emotionally expressive style may be loud and forcefully
expressive, he or she is generally effective in resolving conflict.
37. A conflict of interest occurs when people have differing ideologies, such as when a
congregation argues over whether or not to call a gay pastor to lead their church.
38. People tend to use a particular conflict style in their interactions regardless of the particular
context or situation.
39. Both Amish and Japanese cultures tend to see conflict as good and are concerned with the
individual saving his or her own dignity.
40. People who use the restraint style think that relationships are made stronger by keeping
emotions in check and protecting the other person's "face."
41. People raised within the same ethnic group will use the same conflict resolution style.
42. Buddhists, Taoists, and Confucian traditions tend to avoid direct expression of feelings,
confrontation, and verbal aggression.
43. One unique characteristic of intercultural conflicts is that they tend to be less ambiguous than
intracultural conflicts.

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