Achievement-motivated people prefer to work on highly difficult tasks.
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Internet chat rooms tend to create less work and yield better decisions than face-to-face meetings and telephone conferences.
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Encoding occurs when the receiver receives a message.
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Benchmarking is a process by which a company compares its performance with that of high-performing organizations.
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Successful performance depends solely on skill.
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People with analytical style like to consider more information and alternatives than do directives.
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According to French and Raven’s typology, threats of punishment and actual punishments give an individual reward power.
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Among the Big Five personality dimensions, extraversion had the strongest positive correlation with job performance.
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Jargon is an example of a personal barrier.
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The diversity of developmental relationships reflects the variety of people within the network an individual uses for developmental assistance.
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Fiedler suggests that leaders must learn to manipulate or influence the leadership situation in order to create a match between their leadership style and the amount of control within the situation at hand.
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Replacement costs are the well-known costs of a hire.
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Withdrawal cognitions represent an individual’s overall thoughts and feelings about quitting a job.
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Horizontal communication is a two-way flow of information between employees and a variety of stakeholders outside the organization.
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 Unethical negotiation tactics do not need to be factored into the organizational codes of conduct.
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Mechanistic organizations are flexible bureaucracies with lenient rules, broadly-defined tasks, and bottom-up communication.
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The use of heuristics increases the uncertainty inherent within the decision-making process.
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Commitment to the task at hand has the least impact on the cohesivenessperformance linkage.
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The average intelligence among those in developed countries has remained stable over the past 70 years.
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Personality conflicts are one reason employees resist change.
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A holistic hunch represents a judgment that is based on a subconscious integration of information stored in memory.
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Self-managed teams are variously referred to as semiautonomous work groups, autonomous work groups, and super teams.
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Good management requires a clear purpose and a bias toward action.
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Individual-organizational value conflict is related to positive outcomes such as satisfaction, commitment, performance, career success, reduced stress, and lower turnover intentions.
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According to the Wilson managerial skills research, effective female and male managers have significantly different skill profiles.
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Millennials account for the largest block of employees in the workforce.
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A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and performance goals.
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The rational process makes the reasoning behind a decision transparent and available to scrutiny.
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Employers are advised to look for outside help to determine if a test exists or can be developed to screen applicants for the traits that best fit the position.
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Impersonal static media such as newsletters and bulletin boards have high media richness.
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Which of the following is a primary focus of the holistic wellness approach?
A. Choosing a non-stressful occupation
B. Adopting a harmonious balance of physical, mental, and social well-being
C. Enlarging one’s social support network
D. Taking the minimum amount of medication necessary
E. Developing a passive attitude toward life
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The basic premise behind _____ is that all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group.
A. toleration
B. denial
C. suppression
D. assimilation
E. isolation
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Jill has joined the police academy. During the training process, Jill and the other cadets are made to wear uniforms and maintain an immaculate appearance. The trainers address her as “officer” instead of using her first name. All the cadets are told they are no longer ordinary citizens but representatives of the police force. This form of organizational socialization is referred to as _____.
A. role play
B. investiture
C. informal socialization
D. divestiture
E. random socialization
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A _____ is a group of people working together to collectively enhance their capacities to create results that they truly care about.
A. closed system
B. legacy organization
C. downsized system
D. traditional organization
E. learning organization
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The _____ is defined as the desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve.
A. need for achievement
B. safety need
C. need for power
D. need for affiliation
E. self-actualization need
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_____ represents the extent to which the job requires an individual to perform a variety of tasks that require him or her to use different skills and abilities.
A. Feedback
B. Autonomy
C. Task significance
D. Skill variety
E. Task identity
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Which of the following defines esteem support?
A. Providing help in defining, understanding, and coping with problems.
B. Spending time with others in leisure and recreational activities.
C. Providing information that a person is accepted and respected despite any inadequacies.
D. Providing financial aid, material resources, or needed services.
E. Coping that focuses on reducing the symptoms of stress.
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Frequent interactions, reciprocity, and positive feelings between a protg and developer indicate a _____.
A. low level of network diversity
B. high level of network diversity
C. receptive developmental network
D. strong developmental relationship
E. weak developmental relationship
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Which of the following steps in the rational model considers ethics, feasibility, and effectiveness of various choices?
A. Identifying the problem
B. Generating obvious and creative alternative solutions
C. Evaluating alternatives
D. Implementing the chosen solution
E. Evaluating the chosen solution
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People from low-context cultures prefer:
A. to establish social trust first.
B. to place great value on personal relations and goodwill.
C. agreement by general trust.
D. to get down to business first.
E. slow and ritualistic negotiations.
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Oliver stole three laptops from his workplace and sold them through an online buying and selling website. Oliver’s stealing action is classified as a(n):
A. normative commitment behavior.
B. instrumental work behavior.
C. affective commitment behavior.
D. continuance commitment behavior.
E. counterproductive behavior.
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Emotional self-control, transparency, adaptability, achievement, initiative, and optimism are all elements of _____.
A. self-awareness
B. self-management
C. social awareness
D. relationship management
E. social competence
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The _____ represents one’s tendency to take more personal responsibility for success than for failure.
A. self-serving bias
B. self-fulfilling prophesy
C. attribution error
D. Golem effect
E. fundamental attribution bias
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Which of the following statements is true about Type A behavior?
A. Type A people prefer to only concentrate on one thing at a time.
B. Type A people experience greater increase in cardiovascular activity from tasks requiring physical work than Type B people.
C. Type A people develop nervous tics or characteristic gesture.
D. Type A individuals tend to be unusually attentive to their surroundings during daily activities.
E. The only way Type A individuals can prevent health problems is by quitting work.
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The most common administrative task delegated to self-managed teams is _____.
A. setting work schedules
B. evaluating employee performance
C. setting production quotas
D. hiring new team members
E. firing underperformers
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According to the perceptual model of communication, _____ is anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message.
A. decoding
B. feedback loop
C. conduit
D. grapevine
E. noise
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As director of compensation at a large manufacturing firm, it is Henry’s responsibility to ensure that employees are properly compensated according to a biweekly time schedule. Many of Henry’s employees choose to have their pay checks automatically deposited into their designated bank accounts. However, it is still necessary to inform these workers that their pay has been properly deposited. Which of the following communication medium should Henry choose to convey this information?
A. Video-conference
B. Telephonic conversation
C. Face-to-face conversation
D. Impersonal static
E. Interactive medium
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Pat and Chris are both computer programmers, but Pat earns more money than Chris. However, Chris perceives an equitable relationship because Pat:
A. has more education and experience.
B. takes longer breaks.
C. works as hard as Chris.
D. works less than Chris.
E. needs the money more than Chris.
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_____ reflects the extent to which an individual focuses on either task and technical concerns or people and social concerns when making decisions.
A. Need for control
B. Escalation of commitment
C. Value orientation
D. Tolerance for ambiguity
E. Need for structure
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According to the systems model of change, all organizational changes should be consistent with an organization’s:
A. internal forces for change.
B. organizing arrangements.
C. target elements of change.
D. mission statement.
E. external forces for change.
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The _____ model depicts communication as a pipeline in which information and meaning are perfectly transferred from one person to another.
A. transmission
B. normative
C. garbage can
D. conduit
E. perceptual
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_____ is a career function of mentoring.
A. Acceptance-and-confirmation
B. Exposure-and-visibility
C. Counseling
D. Friendship
E. Role modeling
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Which of the following is an assumption of McGregor’s Theory Y?
A. The typical person has imagination and creativity.
B. Most people dislike work.
C. Most people must be coerced and threatened with punishment before they will work.
D. Most people actually prefer to be directed.
E. People require close direction when they are working.
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As early as the 1920s, Mary Parker Follett:
A. argued for using the one-best way to perform tasks.
B. suggested that managers could accomplish more through others by viewing them as self-energized, committed, responsible, and creative beings.
C. advocated a “push” rather than “pull” strategy to improve employee performance.
D. focused on the importance of using high-quality raw material to increase productivity.
E. advised managers to motivate job performance instead of merely demanding it.
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Which of the following is true about creativity?
A. People are more creative under a crisis or severe time pressure.
B. Organizations with an adhocracy culture tend to be less innovative.
C. Creativity is highest when workers are under moderate stress.
D. Creativity is affected by personality traits and not by intellectual ability.
E. Any novel solution can be considered to be a creative solution.
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_____ reflects team member satisfaction and continued willingness to contribute to the team.
A. Self-management leadership
B. Team building
C. Team viability
D. Cognitive leap
E. Propensity to trust
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A(n) _____ culture leads to the development of reliable internal processes, extensive measurement, and the implementation of a variety of control.
A. hierarchy
B. adhocracy
C. power
D. clan
E. market
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Which of the following should managers keep in mind while giving feedback?
A. Give feedback only for final results.
B. Give general feedback in order to cover all situations.
C. Base feedback on accurate and credible information.
D. Provide feedback only at the annual performance review session.
E. Focus on personalities, not performance.
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Reward systems and structural reorganization are examples of _____ that constitute a major internal force for change.
A. demographic characteristics
B. customer and market changes
C. human resource problems
D. managerial behavior
E. social and political pressures
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_____ of change are the components of an organization that may be changed.
A. External factors
B. Target elements
C. Inputs
D. Strategic plans
E. Outputs
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Shane always structures his daily events around a strict schedule. He plans for his day-to-day activities by calculating the number of days, months, hours, minutes, and even seconds required to complete them. This implies that Shane belongs to a _____ culture.
A. high-context
B. polychronic
C. relativistic
D. monochronic
E. proximal
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Which of the following is defined as, “continuous, customer-centered, employee-driven improvement?”
A. Total quality management
B. Contingency approach
C. Open-systems perspective
D. Refreezing process
E. Organizational subculture
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Analyze contingency leadership as determined by Fiedler’s contingency model.
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What is a realistic job preview (RJP) and what are its advantages? In what stage of the socialization process would a RJP be most useful?
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What is a proactive personality? How does having a proactive personality relate to resiliency?
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What is eustress?
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Identify the seven general ethical principles and briefly describe each.
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Describe McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y assumptions about people at work.
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Provide a workable plan for maximizing the motivational impact of extrinsic rewards?
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Compare and contrast coalitions and networks.
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Define “cultural values.” Differentiate between espoused values and enacted values.
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List the seven people-centered practices that are strongly associated with higher profits and lower employee turnover.
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Discuss the factors that influence a recipient’s readiness for and interpretation of feedback.
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Define, in order, the three phases of the socialization process. Describe the overall socialization process through these phases.
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 List out the eight generic action options identified by R Roosevelt Thomas Jr.
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Mention some of the tips that managers should keep in mind when giving feedback as part of a comprehensive performance management program.
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What are the key issues in each stage of the Tuckman’s group development process?
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Explain the five causes of job satisfaction.
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