Small businesses primarily rely on Internet-based recruitment and selection tools rather than employee referrals which are frequently unsuccessful.
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OSHA insists that occupational injuries be recorded including ankle sprains that occur during voluntary participation in a company softball game.
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The first step of an effective and comprehensive corporate anti-crime program involves installing an advanced alarm system and metal detector at every entrance.
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PEOs enable small businesses to attain insurance and other benefits at lower costs because the PEO absorbs the small company’s employees into a larger insurable group.
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Top employees often outperform the average or poor employees by as much as 100%.
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Supervisors can best handle grievances by providing grievants with long, written responses so that the issue is clear.
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Formal performance appraisals have been eliminated by almost all major firms and replaced by daily assessments by peers in addition to extensive training opportunities.
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When groups of employees accept a temporary reduction in work hours in order to prevent layoffs, the employees are job sharing.
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Codetermination means that employees have a legal right to voice opinions and preferences in setting company policies.
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Autonomy is the right to make decisions, direct the work of others, and give orders.
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To prove sexual harassment, it is necessary to show that the harassment had tangible consequences such as demotion or termination.
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Third-country nationals hold citizenship in three countries.
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Goals are initiated by the bottom level of an organization according to the hierarchy of goals approach to strategic planning.
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If an employee earns an incentive in the form of a prize or cash award, the value of the award is not included when calculating the employee’s overtime pay.
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A mission statement is a general statement of a company’s intended direction that evokes emotional feelings in the organization’s members.
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A major challenge for international businesses is the need to adapt personnel policies and procedures to the differences among countries.
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An internal comparison estimate measures a test’s internal consistency.
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Interviews can be made more effective if the interviewer studies the job description and uses a standardized interview form.
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An effective incentive plan involves gathering evidence and evaluating the long-term effects on employee performance.
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Studies suggest that firms that support their employees’ career development are rewarded with employee commitment and longer retention rates.
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In most cases, when a company has at least 100 employees, it can afford to hire an HR specialist to handle recruiting, training, and compensating employees.
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In China, a structured interview process is the typical method for selecting employees.
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In a planned economy, such as China, some industries are under the direct control of the government while other industries are free to make pricing and production decisions based on market demand.
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First impressions created from a candidate’s application forms or personal appearance rarely affect interviewer ratings of candidates because of EEO laws.
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A career is the occupational positions one holds at a single organization.
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IBM initiated an on-demand staffing strategy to meet the changing technological needs of its customers.
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Boring jobs, low pay, inadequate supervision, and poor working conditions are likely to lead to job withdrawal.
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Financial benefits like employer-paid insurance and vacations are not a part of employee compensation.
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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between now and 2018 the number of workers classified as “white, non-Hispanic” will decrease, and the number of workers classified as Asian will increase.
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When it refers to filling jobs like that of a maintenance clerk, personnel planning is called succession planning.
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The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 makes it unlawful to discriminate against employees of federal, state, and local agencies who are between 40 and 65 years of age; however, the law does not apply to private businesses.
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Mediation guarantees a solution to any impasse that may occur during collective bargaining negotiations.
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Which of the following best explains why employers win the majority of ADA cases?
A) Employers make the necessary reasonable accommodations for employees.
B) Employees fail to prove that their disabilities affect daily living activities.
C) Conservative judges are sympathetic towards most small-business owners.
D) Employee attorneys fail to draw connections between Title VII and ADA.
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External equity refers to ________.
A) how a job’s pay rate in one company compares to the job’s pay rate in other companies
B) the fairness of an individual’s pay as compared to a co-worker’s pay for the same job
C) the perceived fairness of the processes and procedures used to make decisions about compensation
D) the use of salary surveys and job evaluation comparisons to monitor pay levels within an industry
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Which of the following terms refers to the accuracy with which a test fulfills the function for which it was designed?
A) reliability
B) validity
C) expectancy
D) consistency
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Orion is a business software firm based in Atlanta that employs over 400 people. Orion has traditionally provided legislatively required benefits for its employees including Social Security, workers’ compensation, and unemployment insurance. In addition, Orion offers employees health and dental insurance. Orion employees work Monday through Friday on a 9 to 5 schedule. Orion’s top executives are considering the idea of adding a flexible benefits plan and implementing a flexible work schedule.
Which of the following, if true, undermines the argument that Orion should offer its employees a cafeteria plan?
A) A survey of Orion employees indicates that the majority of employees are very satisfied with the firm’s current benefit offerings.
B) Orion experiences very few workers’ compensation claims each year as compared to similarly sized businesses in the Atlanta area.
C) Orion employee surveys indicate that most employees are interested in either 401(k) plans or Roth IRAs as methods of saving for retirement.
D) Orion uses an employee leasing firm to handle recruiting, hiring, and benefits administration.
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Which of the following would provide the best solution for a global firm’s HR department that needs to immediately provide employees with corporate information?
A) streaming desktop video
B) electronic outsourcing
C) productivity software
D) network monitoring
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Based on research studies, which of the following is most likely a true statement about mentoring programs?
A) Traditional mentoring programs are more effective for male than for female employees.
B) When the mentor and protg work in different departments, mentoring is more effective.
C) Protgs have more respect for mentors who work two levels above their own rank in a firm.
D) Required mentoring relationships are more effective than informal mentoring relationships.
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Which of the following terms refers to pay in the form of financial benefits, such as insurance?
A) direct financial payments
B) out-of-pocket expenses
C) indirect financial payments
D) sales commissions
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When focusing on improving performance, which is NOT a top challenge the HR manager faces?
A) competition for market share
B) skill development
C) government regulations
D) need to increase productivity
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Training programs at most small firms tend to focus on ________.
A) specific competencies needed at the firm
B) long-term management skills
C) strategy needs at the firm
D) marketing and finance
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Which of the following best explains the increased success of mergers and acquisitions over the last decade?
A) improvements in wireless communication technology
B) fewer restrictions regarding corporate globalization
C) federal legislation regarding employee wages and rights
D) consistent involvement of human resource management
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________ training is a method in which trainees learn on actual or simulated equipment but are trained away from the job.
A) Vestibule
B) Virtual-reality
C) Programmed
D) Job instruction
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Experts suggest that burnout can most effectively be reduced by ________.
A) telecommuting
B) taking long vacations
C) changing careers
D) reassessing goals
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With the work sampling technique, applicants are ________.
A) asked to submit examples of projects they have completed for other employers
B) tested on their ability to perform several tasks crucial to performing the job of interest
C) tested on their ability to perform a range of tasks related to several positions in a firm
D) given video-based situational interviews to assess their critical thinking skills
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Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act explicitly prohibits employers from discrimination based on all of the following characteristics EXCEPT ________.
A) race
B) religion
C) color
D) sexual orientation
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Which of the following will be the most likely result of the ADA Amendments Act of 2008?
A) Employees will find it easier to prove that their disabilities are limiting.
B) The number of major life activities considered disabilities will be narrowed.
C) Employers will be required to make fewer accommodations for workers with disabilities.
D) Employers will be required to hire a specific percentage of disabled workers to be in compliance.
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All of the following are principles established by Griggs v. Duke Power Company EXCEPT ________.
A) burden of proof is on the employer
B) performance standards should be unambiguous
C) business necessity is a defense for an existing program
D) discrimination does not have to be overt to be illegal
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In which of the following can employers and employees deposit pretax wages to pay for non-catastrophic medical expenses?
A) health maintenance organizations
B) health benefits funds
C) health savings accounts
D) deferred savings plans
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In January 2009, Walmart acquired a controlling interest in Chile’s leading food retailer. Since then, Walmart has opened the first environmentally friendly supermarket in Chile that uses energy efficient technology throughout the store. Walmart is planning to open additional stores in Chile over the next five years. Walmart’s top executives are considering the idea of transferring U.S. managers to Chile to oversee the construction and establishment of the new stores.
Which of the following questions is LEAST relevant to the decision to fill management positions in Chile with expatriates?
A) What will be the relocation and compensation costs to Walmart of using expatriates?
B) What level of corporate control is needed for opening the new Walmart stores?
C) What is the planned Walmart marketing strategy for the new stores in Chile?
D) What is the typical attrition rate for expatriate employees at Walmart?
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Pocket dictating machines and pagers have replaced traditional diary/log methods in many firms. Which of the following problems have the modern methods most likely eliminated?
A) work time required to fill out forms and surveys
B) employee forgetfulness regarding daily activities
C) costs associated with copying and filing paperwork
D) employee frustration towards bureaucratic requirements
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Which data collection method is most frequently used in conjunction with direct observation?
A) interview
B) questionnaire
C) electronic log
D) survey
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Which term refers to the HR manager putting into place the policies and practices that produce the employee competencies and skills the company needs to achieve its strategic goals?
A) HR department lever
B) strategic results lever
C) practices
D) employee cost lever
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Which of the following is the LEAST likely reason that a firm would choose an ethnocentric staffing policy?
A) lack of qualified host-country upper-management candidates
B) goal of reducing misunderstandings with locals
C) need to transfer core competencies effectively
D) desire to maintain a unified corporate culture
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Which of the following is NOT one of the forms of equity related to compensation issues?
A) group
B) external
C) individual
D) procedural
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Which of the following is NOT one of the typical methods used by job evaluation committees to determine the worth of a job?
A) ranking
B) point method
C) job classification
D) paired comparison
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Joaquin records every activity in which he participates at work along with the time it takes him to complete each activity. Which of the following approaches to job analysis data collection is most likely being used at Joaquin’s workplace?
A) diaries
B) interviews
C) observations
D) questionnaires
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Mike Simmons recently applied for a position with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Which personality trait most likely has the strongest correlation to Mike’s success as a pharmaceutical sales representative?
A) extroversion
B) agreeableness
C) conscientiousness
D) openness to experience
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The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act ________.
A) prohibits an employer’s health plan from using incentives to encourage employees to leave the hospital after childbirth after less than the legislatively-determined minimum stay
B) limits the ability of health plans to set annual or lifetime maximums on mental and nervous disorder benefits
C) requires that most private employers continue to make health benefits available to terminated or retired employees and their families for a period of time
D) sets minimum requirements for protecting individuals’ health-care data accessibility and confidentiality
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Make a Picture Story and the Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test are examples of ________ tests.
A) intelligence
B) apperception
C) self-reported
D) projective
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Which of the following is primarily the role of the manager in an employee’s career development?
A) providing career information
B) seeking development opportunities
C) providing academic assistance programs
D) providing accurate performance feedback
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What is the most likely reason for more firms providing ethics training to employees?
A) Employees seeking professional certification are tested on ethics.
B) State laws require businesses to have written codes of conduct.
C) Businesses fear being sued by customers for ethical misconduct.
D) Federal laws encourage firms to comply with ethics training guidelines.
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In most cases, which of the following occupations is NOT exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act?
A) physicians
B) engineers
C) paralegals
D) teachers
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All of the following are the most likely reasons that mental health costs are rising EXCEPT ________.
A) increased drug abuse within society
B) more mental health referrals by specialists
C) mental health claims triggering health care claims
D) laws requiring employers to offer mental health benefits
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